Sign Petition to: Repeal Regulation 6150
"On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be untrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts" (1 Thessalonians 2:4).
***A book isn’t banned just because it isn’t stocked in a middle school library
***age-appropriate book vetting not book banning (fallacy)
6150 Library District Regulation
6150 School Library Content Amendment
Take Back the Public School Libraries & Classrooms
Re: School Libraries
-curation of books is the issue
-age appropriate books is the real issue
-Public schools/libraries are all a matter of public accountability
-book challenges is a parental issue
-age-appropriate book vetting is not book banning
***Questioning age inappropriate and sexually explicit material in classrooms and school libraries as well as schools intentionally excluding parents in decisions about their children should be recognized in this process. Only the committee that the principal decides who those people are is not transparent or equal access to all parents.
As a parent/community member in Clark County School District, I am disheartened by the restrictions our current Clark County school district library system imposes. Currently, individual usernames and passwords are required for each school to view what's available in the library. This makes it challenging to access and review materials, especially considering each request for review must be submitted per school.
The restrictiveness of Regulation 6150 contrasts starkly to the transparency other school districts in Nevada have achieved. These districts have employed an open-source platform for their libraries, notably the Follett Destiny system. This platform allows parents and the community ready access to the materials available in school libraries.
An open-source library system not only encourages transparency, but it also supports the free exchange of knowledge and ideas. It enables parents, educators, and the community to be more actively involved - which is a fundamental principle of public education.
Our plea is simple but crucial. We request an appeal to Regulation 6150 for the conversion of our school-based libraries into an Open-Source County Public School Library System. It is not just a matter of efficiency and convenience, but of equality, transparency, and community involvement. Our children deserve libraries that are accessible and transparent, encouraging an openness to explore, learn, and grow.
Nevada Lewd School Libraries
Pornographic content
Tactics: Nevada
***Pervasive vulgar
1-bring pdf printouts to read out of when at school board meetings: Bring name of school
2-attach pdf when filling out to contest a book
3-public records request-invoices for books purchased by the school district
***see where books are being purchased from-many times textbook companies-follow the money
4-Don't start with queer or black history, but start with graphic heterosexual white graphic novels
Ex. Identical by Hopkins: descriptive sexual trauma-goal to desensitize to trauma-twins where one is being molested by the father-the other twin in jealous and wants to be molested to feel
***Make a postcard with a QR code to take back the classroom
5- 497 graphic books in schools in Washoe County and moving into Clark County
6-36 books are now on the Take Back the Classroom site
School board
-school content is a 1st amendment right so are exempt from the vulgar law as is the board, library, and school housing these books
-counter with the NRS code for Clark County-very specific on vulgar exemptions
-let them cut you off and escort you out so you have grounds to challenge and file a complaint against your 1st amendment rights-use their own tactics against them
-news coverage when tactic is something they cans use-give them a reason to cover the story
American Library Association
-can out parent or group that challenges to counter with fear
-once a request is made it becomes public record
NRS 201.237 Exemptions. The provisions of NRS 201.235 to 201.254, inclusive, do not apply to those universities, schools, museums or libraries which are operated by or are under the direct control of the State, or any political subdivision of the State, or to persons while acting as employees of such organizations.
(Added to NRS by 1979, 363)
NRS 201.235 Definitions. In NRS 201.235 to 201.254, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. “Community” means the area from which a jury is or would be selected for the court in which the action is tried.
2. “Item” includes any book, leaflet, pamphlet, magazine, booklet, picture, drawing, photograph, film, negative, slide, motion picture, figure, object, article, novelty device, recording, transcription, phonograph record or tape recording, videotape or videodisc, with or without music, or other similar items.
3. “Material” means anything tangible which is capable of being used or adapted to arouse interest, whether through the medium of reading, observation, sound or in any other manner.
4. “Obscene” means any item, material or performance which:
(a) An average person applying contemporary community standards would find, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interest;
(b) Taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value; and
(c) Does one of the following:
(1) Depicts or describes in a patently offensive way ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated.
(2) Depicts or describes in a patently offensive way masturbation, excretory functions, sadism or masochism.
(3) Lewdly exhibits the genitals.
Ê Appeal shall be judged with reference to ordinary adults, unless it appears, from the character of the material or the circumstances of its dissemination, to be designed for children or a clearly defined deviant group.
5. “Performance” means any play, motion picture, dance or other exhibition performed before an audience.
[1911 C&P § 196; A 1955, 907]—(NRS A 1963, 1171; 1965, 584; 1971, 205, 493; 1979, 364)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 201.250)
Book Vetting
Who decides what books your kids are exposed to? An appointed committee made by the Principle of each school includes the librarian. Why a secret committee not available to the public? Why is the content in libraries locked down within each school? Why is there no public square url that contains all books available to school librarians for public view?
Students can use their Active Directory or CCSD Google credentials to log in to and access their school library and online resources(Follett Destiny Discovery)
Groups, parents, and even students are speaking out against books that are not age-appropriate for public school libraries and classrooms. The opposite side keeps claiming that parents and groups, like Moms For Liberty, want to ban books. This is untrue. The goal is to be able to read books at board meetings that are approved for young readers. This problem is that once the book is read the school board shuts the reader down due to vulgarity laws. It is an oxymoron that adults will not listen to the reader of the books they approve as age-appropriate for young students. Parents and groups should be able to have a transparent process for age-appropriate book vetting. Stay informed as the lie of book banning is in the headlines, but it masks the real problem: Education has a racial, gender, or sexual spin on every aspect of a child’s education.