Image of Tansy Kelly Robson

The Money, Power & War Lounge ☕️ ⚔️

Online home of Tansy Kelly Robson M.Sc., political economist, writer, artist, military historian and compassionate realist

Because generals win battles, but alliances win wars - and change the world

'What greater source of peace exists, than our ability to love our enemy'

[Sarek, ST Discovery, 2020]

Hi! Welcome to my website! Designed as a haven for those from the fields of Strategy, Politics, War, Trade and International Relations to come in, take a seat, have a browse, and join the conversation:

An illustration of a nineteenth century Dragoon Guard cavalryman in South Africa

Learn why military history matters to you, whether you're a modern-day general about to head out on campaign, or a manager about to start with a new team

An illustration of a nineteenth century tea clipper

Get some pointers on where the real power lies (it's ALWAYS about the money); learn about commercial networks of geostrategic influence and how and why trade should matter to YOU (yes, you!)

An image of the Vulcan ambassador Sarek from Star Trek, with the actor Mark Lenard

Officers, academics and policy peeps alike, take a short meditative break at the Intergalactic Embassy

The home on this site for chat about real space diplomacy, spaceflight and cool links

Interspersed with words of Vulcan wisdom that might change the way you see Politics, Power, International Relations and War

An abstract photoshop illustration of a fire horse

And before you go, have a quick flick through my artwork while you're here


Want a discussion, debate or chat? Join me on Twitter at @artemisapphire

Or find me on LinkedIn to connect professionally or leave me a message


Compassionate realist [or pragmatic liberalism]: because whether you like it or not, we all live on the one planet, and we have to learn to get on with one another eventually. So swallow your pride, shut up, and reach out across the divide and find the common ground. It will be the most difficult thing you will ever have to do, so the question is: have you the strength to try?

This website is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with any entity, commercial, public, private or otherwise. Star Trek imagery is purely for fun fan art and not to be duplicated or used for commercial purposes without permission of their owner - CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. The Star Trek trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc. This website is intended for personal use onlyThe art in the Art, Design & Photography Page is the property of the author, and not to be used, reproduced or consumed for commercial purposes without permission of the authorAny infringement of anyone's copyright or ownership is accidental and will be removed instantly on request. Please contact the author on Twitter at @artemisapphire