Vieja Amiga (Old (Girl) Friend)

Music: Pedro Laurenz 1938
Lyrics: José María Contursi
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Pedro Laurenz with Juan Carlos Casas in 1938



¿Ves? He tratado inútilmente
de alejarme y olvidar...
Hoy que hay arrugas en mi frente
siento más la soledad...

Tal vez, al notarme avejentado,
pensarás que vengo a verte
porque estoy desesperado...
¡No! Ya los años me enseñaron
a templar mi corazón...

No he venido a suplicarte
ni un poquito de cariño
ni a que expliques tu silencio,
tus mentiras o tu olvido...

No es posible, vieja amiga,
nuestras vidas acercar...
Solo vine para verte,
para verte, nada más...

Ya poco falta para irme
con mi cruz a otro rincón...
Sé que al dejarte voy a hundirme
en la desesperación.

¿Será la emoción de mi partida,
que quisiera darte un beso
aunque deje en él mi vida?
¡Es que tus lágrimas me invitan
a besarte y a llorar!

No he venido a suplicarte
ni un poquito de cariño
ni a que expliques tu silencio,
tus mentiras o tu olvido...

No es posible, vieja amiga,
nuestras vidas acercar...
Ya me voy... y aquí te dejo
toda mi felicidad...


You see? I tried in vain
to distance myself and forget...
Today there's wrinkle in my forehead
I feel more lonely...

Perhaps if you saw me aged
you will think that I come to see you
because I am desparate...
No, the years have alread taught me
to calm down my heart.

I hadn't come to beg you
for a little bit of love
nor to explain to me why your silence
your lies or your oblivion...

It's not possible, old girlfriend,
our lives to be close together
I only came to see you
to see you, that's it.

I'll be going soon
with my cross to another corner...
I know that by leaving you I will sink myself
into the desesparation.

Will it be the emotion of my departure
that I would have liked to give you a kiss
even though I left my life in it?
It's your tears that make me
kiss you and cry!

I hadn't come to beg you
for a little bit of love
nor to explain to me why your silence
your lies or your oblivion...

It's not possible, old girlfriend,
our lives to be close together
I'm going... and here I leave you
all my happiness...