Triqui-tra (Triqui-tra)

Music: Edgardo Donato
Lyrics: Maruja Pacheco Huergo
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Edgardo Donato with Lita Morales in 1940



Yo soy la muchachita
Que alegre repetía
Que la vida era un mar y un gran barco azul
Eran todos mis sueños de juventud.

Tan solo poseía
Un libro de leyendas
Y una vieja canción de mi madre
desde niña me hiciera cantar.

Cancíon que así decía
Triquití triquití triquita
Hoy trae mi memoria
una infancia que ya no volverá

Canción que así cantaba...
Triquití triquití triquita
pues entonces ingenua y creia
Que mi mundo era de cristal



I'm the young girl
who repeated happily
that life was an ocean and a big blue boat
all of that were my childhood dreams.

All I had was
a book of legends
and an old song from my mother
that she made me sing since I was a girl.

The song goes like this
"Triquiti triquiti triquita"
Today it brings me memories
from childhood that will never come back.

The song goes like this
"Triquiti triquiti triquita"
I was naive then and I believed
that my world was made of glass.


Note: This song was written by the request from Edgardo Donato to prepare something appropriate for the female singer Lita Morales.