Total Pa' Qué Sirvo (In The End, What?)

Music: Aníbal Troilo
Lyrics: Enrique Dizeo
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino in 1941



No sé,
pero a veces
quisiera encontrarlo así
frente a frente, pa'ver si es capaz
de mirarme fijo al interpelarlo
ya que es de coraje como lo pintás.

¿O creés que he nacido
pa'vivir temblando?
Soy mucho más hombre de lo que sabés.
Desde hoy, día y noche
lo vi'andar buscando
y donde se cuadre ya me vas a ver.

Total, ¡pa'qué sirvo!
Sin ella mi vida,
no es vida ni es nada.
No sé más quién soy.

Total, ¡pa'qué sirvo!
Si mi alma está herida,
si no hay madrugada
que me halle dormido,
me encuentro perdido.
¡No ves cómo estoy!


Total, ¡pa'qué sirvo!
Sin ella mi vida,
no es vida ni es nada.
No sé más quién soy.

Total, ¡pa'qué sirvo!
Si mi alma está herida,
si no hay madrugada
que me halle dormido,
me encuentro perdido.
¡No ves cómo estoy!

(Unsung part)

Pensé muchas noches
en no hacerle caso,
dejarlo tranquilo, perdonar su acción,
y no hallo remedio;
mis horas las paso
cerrando los puños con esta obsesión.

Habló mi experiencia.
Por eso hasta ahora,
luché pa'ser fuerte,
no lo quise ver.
Y todo es inútil, mis ojos la lloran
tendré que perderme por esa mujer.


I don't know,
but sometimes
I would like to find him like this
face to face, to see if he's capable of
looking at me in the eye as I question him
since he is brave as you describe.

Or do you believe that I was born
to live shaking in fear?
I'm much more of a man than you know.
From today, day and night
I will be looking  for him
and wherever he stands  you will find me.

After all, what am I for!
without her, my life
is not life nor anything.
I don't even know who I am anymore.

In the end, what am I for ?
If my soul is wounded
if there is no dawn
that finds me asleep
I find myself lost
Can't you see how I am?


After all, what am I for!
without her, my life
is not life nor anything.
I don't even know who I am anymore.

In the end, what am I for ?
If my soul is wounded
if there is no dawn
that finds me asleep
I find myself lost
Can't you see how I am?

(Unsung part)

Many nights I thought
not to pay attention to him,
to leave him alone, to forgive his action,
and I cannot find a solution;
I spend my hours
closing my fists with this obsession.

My experience talked.
That's why until now,
I fought t be strong,
I didn't want to see him.
But everything is useless, my eyes cry
I will go off the rails for that woman.