Soy Un Arlequín (I'm A Harlequin)

Music: Enrique Santos Discépolo
Lyrics: Enrique Santos Discépolo
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Francisco Lomuto with Charlo in 1929


Recorded by Carlos Di Sarli sextet as instrumental in 1929



Soy un arlequín, un arlequín que salta y baila
para ocultar su corazón lleno de pena.
Me clavó en la cruz tu folletín de Magdalena
porque soñé que era Jesús y te salvaba.

Me engañó tu voz.
Tu llorar de arrepentida sin perdón.
Eras mujer...
¡Pensé en mi madre y me clavé!


(Unsung part)
Viví en tu amor una esperanza
la inútil ansia de tu salvación.
¡Perdonáme si fui bueno! Si no sé más que sufrir.
Si he vivido entre las risas por quererte redimir.
¡Cuánto dolor que hace reír!


I’m a harlequin, a harlequin that jumps and dances
to hide his heart filled with sorrow.
It nailed me on the cross, your Mary Magdalene’s melodrama,
because I dreamed that I was Jesus and I saved you.

Your voice fooled me.
Your repentant cry without pardon.
You were a woman...
I thought of my mother and I fell for it!


(Unsung part)
I lived in your love, a hope,
the useless yearning of your salvation.
Forgive me if I was good!
If I only know how to suffer.
If I have lived among the laughters for wanting to redeem you.
So much pain that makes me laugh!