Soledad (Loneliness)

Music: Carlos Gardel
Lyrics: Alfredo Le Pera
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Francisco Canaro with Roberto Maida in 1935



Yo no quiero que nadie a mí me diga
que de tu dulce vida vos ya me has arrancado.
Mi corazón una mentira pide
para esperar tu imposible llamado.

Yo no quiero que nadie se imagine
cómo es de amarga y honda mi eterna soledad,
en mi larga noche el minutero muele
la pesadilla de su lento tic-tac.



I don’t want anybody to tell me
that you have ripped me off from your sweet life.
My heart asks for a lie awaiting for your impossible call.

I don’t want anyone to imagine
how bitter and deep is my eternal loneliness,
in my long night the minute hand
grinds the nightmare of its slow tic-tac. 
