Sinfonía De Arrabal
(Symphony of A Humble Neighborhood)

Music: Maruja Pacheco Huergo 1939
Lyrics: Maruja Pacheco Huergo 1939
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Edgardo Donato with Lita Morales & Horacio Lagos & Romeo Gavio in 1940



(Unsung part)
Sos la triste sinfonía que acunó el arrabal,
sos la dulce melodía la canción sentimental.
Te bailaron los malevos clavel rojo en el ojal,
enredando en cada vuelta un vestido de percal.

Sinfonía de arrabal,
oración de los suburbios,
sos el alma de San Telmo
puente Alsina y Monserrat.

Sinfonía de arrabal
tango lindo, bien porteño
taconeando está en los barrios
con tu ritmo sin igual.

Alabás, comprendés el dolor de querer.
Alabás, enseñás a vivir, a olvidar.



(Unsung part)
You’re the sad symphony that cradled the humble neighborhood,
you’re the sweet melody, the sentimental song.
Tough guys with red carnation in the buttonhole danced to you,
tangling up a percale dress in each turn.

Symphony of a humble neighborhood,
prayer of the suburbs, you’re the soul of San Telmo, Alsina bridge and Monserrat.

Symphony of a humble neighborhood,
pretty tango, true Buenos Aires
is stomping in the neighborhoods with your incomparable rhythm.

You praise, you understand the pain of loving.
You praise, you teach how to live, how to forget.
