Shusheta (El Aristócrata)
(Dandy (The Aristocrat))

Music: Juan Carlos Cobián
Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas in 1945


Recorded by Carlos Di Sarli as instrumental in 1940.



Toda la calle Florida lo vio
con sus polainas, galera y bastón...

Dicen que fue, allá por su juventud,
un gran Don Juan del Buenos Aires de ayer.
Engalanó la puerta del Jockey Club
y en el ojal siempre llevaba un clavel.

Toda la calle Florida lo vio
con sus polainas, galera y bastón...

Apellido distinguido,
gran señor en las reuniones,
por las damas suspiraba
y conquistaba sus corazones.

Y en las tardes de Palermo
en su coche se paseaba
y en procura de un ensueño
iba el porteño conquistador.

Toda la calle Florida lo vio
con sus polainas, galera y bastón...


Everyone on Florida street saw him with his gaiters, top hat and cane...

They say that he was in his youth,
a great Don Juan of Buenos Aires of yesterday.
He stood out at the door of the Jockey Club
He always had a carnation in his buttonhole.

Everyone on Florida street saw him
with his gaiters, top hat and cane...

From a distinguished family,
a real gentleman in the social gatherings,
he sighed for the ladies
and he conquered their heart.

And in the afternoons in Palermo
drove around in his car
and looking for a fantasy,
there he goes, the playboy from Buenos Aires.

Everyone on Florida street saw him
with his gaiters, top hat and cane....


The word Shusheta is a lunfardo meaning dandy, fashionista (Derrick Del Pilar=), fop (Michael Lavocah). It's the same word that appears in Así Se Baila El Tango (This Is How to Dance Tango).

Click HERE to read about the story behind this tango on todotango.

Cadícamo added lyrics afterwards. (Lavocah).