Se Va La Vida (Life Goes Away...)

Music: Edgardo Donato 1929
Lyrics: María Luisa Carnelli
Translation: Michael Krugman, Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Edgardo Donato with Horacio Lagos in 1936


Recorded by Azucena Maizani (singer) in 1930*



Se va la vida... se va y no vuelve.
Escuchá este consejo;
si un bacán te promete acomodar,
entrá derecho viejo.

Se va, pebeta,
quién la detiene
si ni Dios la sujeta,
lo mejor es gozarla y largar las penas a rodar.


(Unsung part)
Pasan los días, pasan los años,
es fugaz la alegría,
no pensés en dolor ni en virtud,
viví tu juventud. 

Yo quiero, muchacha,
que al fin mostrés la hilacha
y al mishio recuerdo
le des un golpe de hacha.

Decí, pa qué queres llorar un amor
y morir, tal vez, de desesperanza.
No rogués la flor de un sueño infeliz
porque, a lo mejor, la suerte te alcanza si te decidís.

Se va la vida... se va y no vuelve,
escuchá este consejo;
si un bacán te promete acomodar,
entrá derecho viejo.


Life goes away… it leaves and never comes back.
Listen to this advice;
if a big shot promises to take care of you,
go for it!

Life goes away, girl...
who can stop it
if even God can’t hold it back,
it’s best to enjoy it and let the sorrows roll away.


(Unsung part)
Days pass, years pass,
happiness is fleeting
Don’t think about pain nor virtue!
Live your youth!

I want, girl
you to show your true colors in the end.
And give the memory of poverty
a blow with an ax.

Tell me, why do you want to cry for a love
and to die, perhaps from despair?
Don’t water the flower of an unhappy dream
because, maybe, you can get lucky if you decide so.

Life goes away… it leaves and never comes back.
Listen to this advice;
if a big shot promises to take care of you,
go for it!

Note: Azucena Maizani sings all the lyrics.