Pa'los Muchachos (For The Guys)

Music: José Ranieri
Lyrics: Julián Centeya
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Carlos Di Sarli with Roberto Rufino in 1943



Pido entrada y me arremango,
Que esta noche traigo un tango
Viejo tango, Corazón.

Abanicando este fueye,
Un viejo recuerdo llueve
Su hilacha sentimental.

En un rincón de Pompeya,
Un callejón, una estrella
La oscura pena de un bar.

Prendida al alma la llevo
Como condena, para mi mal.
Era su alma la noche
De dura sombra, negra y fatal.

Rencores que no la olvidan
Me asaltan a cada paso,
Mostrándome en el fracaso
El resto de una ilusión.



Let me begin and roll up my sleeves
since tonight I bring a tango,
an old tango, my heart.

Unfurling this bandoneon,
an old memory falls like rain
its sentimental thread.

In a corner in Pompeya,
An alley, a star,
the dark sorrow of a bar.

Pinned to my soul I carry her
like a sentence, for my harm.
It was her soul, the night
of hard shadow, black and fatal.

Resentments that can't forget her
assault me every step I take,
showing me with the failure
the remains of a hope.
