Porteño y Bailarín (Porteño And A Dancer)

Music: Carlos Di Sarli
Lyrics: Héctor Marcó
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
by Carlos Di Sarli with Jorge Durán in 1945



Porteño y bailarín, me hiciste tango, como soy:
romántico y dulzón...
Me inspira tu violín, me arrastra el alma de tu compás,
me arrulla el bandoneón…

Melancólica casita, suspirando amor,
le di en tus puertas mi querer,
y en tu criolla ventanita recostada al sol,
rompió mis cuerdas el ayer.

Todo mi drama está en tu voz,
manos en adiós, labios de carmín…
Por ella y por su amor me hiciste tango, como soy:¡porteño y bailarín!

Qué importa el sueño, que a mis pupilas roban,
las mentidas horas de bailar sin calma.
¡Qué importa el miedo de dar la vida!
Si encontrara el beso, que me pide el alma.

Hoy sé que fueron tangos, amor y copas,
golondrinas locas, en mi corazón.
Porteño y bailarín, me hiciste tango, como soy,
romántico y dulzón...


Porteño and dancer, you made me, tango, as I am:
romantic and sweet...
Your violin inspires me, the soul of your beat carries me away,
the bandoneon speaks to me softly...

Melancholic little house, whispering love,
I gave her my love at your door,
and in your little creole window leaning against the sun,
yesterday broke my strings.

All my drama is in your voice,
hands saying goodbye, lips with rouge...
Because of her and her love you made me, tango, as I am:
porteño and dancer!

Who cares about the sleep stolen from my eyes,
by the hidden hours of non stop dancing.
Who cares about the fear of giving the life away!
If I find the kiss that my soul asks for.

Today I know that tangos, love and drinks were
crazy swallows in my heart.
Porteño and dancer, you made me, tango, as I am:
romantic and sweet...