Olvídame (Forget About Me)

Music: Miguel Bucino
Lyrics: Miguel Bucino
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Juan D'Arienzo with Alberto Echagüe in 1939



(Unsung part)

Cuando estuve convencido
Que me habías abandonado,
Con un poco de amargura
Y sin saber el porqué,

Aquella noche en mi pieza
En el rincón más oscuro,
Hermanao en mi tragedia
A escondidas te lloré.

No me acuerdo si eras mala,
Ni me acuerdo si eras buena,
Sólo sé que en la pobreza
De mi triste soledad,
Fuiste el sol de mi vida
De esta vida tan amarga,
Que será peor que nunca
Porque nunca ya vendrás.

Me lo dice amargamente,
mi conciencia,
Me lo echa siempre en cara,
mi pobreza,
Que era mucha tu belleza
Para este humilde rincón.

Por eso
nunca podré reprocharte
Que le busques rumbo a tu vida,
Porque a mi lado tendrías
Sólo el beso del dolor.


Porque la vida es mezquina
Tiene alma de usurera,
Te da un poco de alegría
Pa´ cobrarte con dolor.

Por eso es que buenamente
Te perdono y te consuelo,
A vos te toca olvidarme
A mí pensar por los dos.


(Unsung part)

When I was convinced
that you had left me
with a bit of bitterness
and not knowing why

That night in my room
in the darkest corner
connected to my tragedy
hiding, I cried for you

I don't remember if you were bad
nor I remember if you were good
I just know that  in my poor
sad loneliness
You were the sun of my life
of this so bitter life
that will be worse than ever
because you'll never return

It tells me bitterly
my conscience,
It always reprimand me
my poverty
that your beauty was too much
for this humble corner.

That's why
I could never reproach you
that you look for your own way in life
because by my side you'll have
only the kiss of pain.


Because life is miserable
it has the soul of loan shark
It gives you a bit of joy
to get paid with pain.

That's why willingly
I forgive you and I console you
for you, you will have to forget about me
for me, I will think about the two of us.