Me Llaman Tango (They Call Me Tango)

Music: Emilio De Caro
Lyrics: Mario Soto
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas in 1943



Yo soy un cacho de arrabal que no se rindió,
mi ley será seguir sin flaquear jamás.
Un bandoneón me dio con su acento compadrón,
el coraje pa’ guapear.

Yo soy aquel varón de ayer que hoy volví a tallar
ganando la partida,
que dieron por perdida
aquellos que me vieron aflojar.

Ayer… por guapo me jugué.
Y hoy… me juego como ayer.
Caí porque se dio la mala…
Copé otra vez y vuelvo a ser señor y rey.

Ayer… un “fueye” me acunó,
después, mi queja repitió…
Y hoy… que vuelvo a ser el de antes,
su vibración llega otra vez al corazón.


Ayer… un “fueye” me acunó,
después, mi queja repitió…
Y hoy… que vuelvo a ser el de antes,
su vibración llega otra vez al corazón.


I am a piece of the neighborhood that didn’t give up,
my law will be to keep going without ever faltering.

A bandoneon gave me with its swagger accent the courage to cope.
I’m that guy from yesterday that today deals again winning the game,
that it was thought to be lost by those that saw me weaken.

Yesterday… I took a risk because I’m tough.
And today… I risk like yesterday.
I fell because I had bad luck...
I bet it all once more and I am again lord and king.

Yesterday… a fueye (bandoneon) rocked me,
afterwards, it repeated my grumble...
And today that I am again the one I was before,
its vibration reaches the heart once more.


Yesterday… a fueye (bandoneon) rocked me,
afterwards, it repeated my grumble...
And today that I am again the one I was before,
its vibration reaches the heart once more.