La Nueva Vecina (The New Neighbor)

Music: Juan José Guichandut
Lyrics: Juan José Guichandut
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas in 1944



Morocha bonita, de ojazos muy negros,
de porte arrogante, gracioso el andar,
parece una diosa surgida del sueño
de todo muchacho con ansia de amar.

Es ella, la diosa, la nueva vecina
que al barrio muy triste lo vino a alegrar,
prendiendo en el alma de la muchachada
un sólo deseo: su amor alcanzar.

Vecinita, flor del barrio...
¡Si supieras cómo yo te quiero!
Que ninguno, vecinita
puede amarte tanto como yo.

Si supieras que he llorado
como nunca hubiera imaginado,
cuando supe, vecinita,
que era otro el dueño de tu amor.


Ninguno imagina que la quiero tanto,
Ninguno adivina que sufro de amor…
A todos alegra, la nueva vecina
en cambio a mí, sólo me trajo dolor.


Pretty brunette girl with very black big eyes,
arrogant bearing, graceful walk,
looks like a goddess emerged from the dream of every boy anxious to love.

It’s her, the goddess, the new neighbor
who came to cheer up the very sad neighborhood,
pinning in the soul of all the boys  just one wish: to win her love.

Girl next door, flower of the neighborhood…
If you knew how much I love you!
That nobody else, girl next door,
can love you as much as I do.

If you knew that I’ve cried like I have never imagined, girl next door
when I found out that another guy was the owner of your love.


No one imagines that I love her so much...
No one guesses that I suffer from love...
The new girl cheers everyone up
but as far as I’m concerned, she only brought me pain.