La Milonga Que Faltaba
(The Milonga That We've Been Waiting For)

Music: Edgardo Donato
Lyrics: Carlos Pesce
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Edgardo Donato with Horacio Lagos in 1938



Milonga guapa,
la que faltaba
si era una papa
cuando tallaba
viejos conventillos
que temblaron de pavura
por los taitas
de taquito militar.

Lloran las nostalgias
del pasado tan hermoso
cuando escuchan los lamentos de un cantar.



Brave milonga,
the one we've been waiting for,
it was a marvel
when it ruled

in the old tenements
that shook with fear
because of the tough men
dressed in military boots.

They cry, the nostalgic memories
of a past so beautiful,
when they hear the laments of a song.
