Jirón De Suburbio (A Piece of Suburb)

Music: Víctor Braña
Lyrics: Enrique Miguel Gaudino
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Ricardo Tanturi with Enrique Campos in 1944



Mi viejo barrio, rincón querido
El de casitas hechas de zinc,
Rincón humilde donde he nacido
Y fue mi orgullo de bailarín.

Cuántos recuerdos traes a mi mente
Cómo me alegra verte otra vez,
Y aunque has cambiado para el ausente
Eres el mismo de mi niñez...

Mis buenos camaradas, amigos de otro tiempo,
A quienes le confiaba mis sueños de zorzal,
No saben cuánta pena me causa recordarlos,
Sentado como entonces en este viejo bar.


(Unsung part)
Cierro los ojos y nuevamente
Veo tus calles igual que ayer,
Tus corralones, el viejo puente
Y tus muchachas rumbo al taller.

Oigo a la sombra de tus balcones
la dulce endecha del trovador,
mientras se duermen entre malvones
mis esperanzas de ruiseñor…


My old neighborhood, beloved corner,
the one with houses made of zinc,
humble corner where I was born
and it was my pride as a dancer.

How many memories you bring to my mind,
how happy it makes me to see you again!
And although you’ve changed for the one who left,
you are the same one from my childhood...

My good buddies, friends from another time,
To whom I entrusted my singing dreams,
You have no idea how sad it makes me to remember them,
sitting in this old bar like back then.


(Unsung part)
I close my eyes and once again
I see your streets like yesterday,
Your cart yards, the old bridge
And your young women on the way to the workshop.

I hear under the shade of your balconies
the sweet lament of the troubadour,
while my hopes of a nightingale
sleep among geraniums...

Note: The original lyrics started as "Viejo Barracas, barrio querido (Old Barracas, beloved neighborhood)". Barracas is a humble neighborhood for the working class in the south of Buenos Aires.