Flor De Monserrat (Flower of Monserrat)

Music: Juan Santini
Lyrics: Vicente Planells del Campo
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Rodolfo Biagi with Alberto Amor in 1945



Por sus ojos color cielo y sus dones de bondad,
la llamaban Virgencita en el barrio Monserrat.
Todos, todos la querían y no hubo payador,
que no cantara por ella, en el barrio del Tambor.

Disputaban su cariño
todos querían su honor,
Pero la Virgen del barrio
soñaba con otro amor...


Disputaban su cariño
todos querían su honor,
Pero la Virgen del barrio
soñaba con otro amor...


(Unsung part)
Cuántas veces a sus rejas perfumadas de jazmín,
llegaron las serenatas de uno y otro confín...

Marchitaron los jazmines ya no se oye la canción,
en esas noches de luna junto al pie de su balcón.
En todo el barrio se sabe, que la flor de Monserrat,
ha entregado sus amores a un Convento de Piedad...


For her skyblue eyes and her gifts of goodness
they call her little Virgin in the Monserrat neighborhood.
Everyone, everyone loved her and there was no folk singer
who doesn’t sing for her in the “neighborhood of the drum”.

They fought for her affection,
everyone wanted her honor
but the Virgin of the neighborhood
dreamed of another love...


They fought for her affection,
everyone wanted her honor
but the Virgin of the neighborhood
dreamed of another love...


(Unsung part)
So many times to her ironwork window perfumed with jasmine,
serenades arrived from one end to the other...

The jasmines wilted and the songs are not heard
in those moonlit nights under her balcony.
All the neighborhood knows that the flower of Monserrat
has surrendered her love to a Convent of Piety….