Farabute (Crook)

Music: Joaquín Barreiro
Lyrics: Antonio Casciani
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Juan D'Arienzo with Alberto Echagüe in 1949



Farabute ilusionado por la mersa de magnates
que enfarolan tu presencia con suntuosa presunción.
No manyás pobre franela,
que aquél que nació en un catre
a vivir modestamente la suerte lo condenó.

Sos la escoria remanyada que esgunfiás con tu presencia
de chitrulo sin carpeta, residuo del arrabal,
tus hazañas de malevo al cuaderno de la ausencia
con el lápiz del recuerdo te las voy a enumerar.

Clandestino de carreras a ratitos quinielero,
así te hacés las chirolas con que a veces te empilchás.
Y en tu casa todo el año a la hora del puchero,
enyantás de prepotencia lo que nunca te ganás.

Deschavate farabute, no naciste pa' cafishio
al laburo dedicate que allí está tu salvación.
Recordá a la viejecita que hace un mes en el hospicio
al morir tus hermanitos suplicando señaló.

Ya que en su triste existencia como un trapo la has tratado
ni un halago tan siquiera le supiste demostrar.
Hoy tenés frente a la vida la misión que te ha encargado
que la santa desde el cielo te sabrá recompensar.


You’re a crook excited by the crowd of tycoons
that intoxicate your presence with sumptuous conceit.
You don’t get it, poor guy
the one who was born on a cot
is sentenced by fortune to live modestly.

You’re the known garbage that upsets with your presence
of useless fool, waste of the poor neighborhood,
I’ll list your deeds as a thug
with the pencil of memory on the notebook of absence.

A secret fan of horse races, sometimes lottery player,
that’s how you make a few pennies so you can dress up sometimes.
And at home all year around at lunch time
you eat with arrogance what you never earned.

Grow up, crook, you were not born to be a pimp, dedicate yourself to work, there is your salvation.
Remember your mother who a month ago in the hospice
passing away pointed at your little brothers.

Since in her sad existence you treated her like a rag
you didn’t even know how to show her any affection.
Today you’re facing the mission in life that she asked of you.
Like a Saint from heaven she will know to reward you.