El Aguacero (Canción de la Pampa)
(Rainstorm (Song From The Pampa))

Music: Cátulo Castillo 1933
Lyrics: José González Castillo
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Lucio Demare with Horacio Quintana in 1944



Como si fuera renegando del Destino
de trenzar leguas y leguas sobre la triste extensión
va la carreta, rechinando en el camino
que parece abrirse, al paso de su blanco cascarón.

Cuando chilla la osamenta
señal que viene tormenta...
Un soplo fresco va rizando los potreros
y hacen bulla los horneros anunciando el chaparrón...

Y la Pampa es un verde pañuelo,
colgado del cielo, tendido en el sol,
como a veces resulta la vida
sin sombras ni heridas, sin pena ni amor...

El viento de la cañada
trae gusto a tierra mojada
y en el canto del viejo boyero
parece el pampero soplar su dolor...


El viento de la cañada
trae gusto a tierra mojada
y en el canto del viejo boyero
parece el pampero soplar su dolor...


As if it were rejecting the destiny
of braiding miles and miles over the sad immensity
the wagon goes, squeaking on the road
that seems to open up as its white cover passes.

When the bones cry it signals that a storm is coming...
A fresh breeze makes ripples in the pastures
and the ovenbirds make a buzz announcing the rainstorm…

And the Pampa is a green handkerchief,
hanging from the sky, drying in the sun,
like sometimes life is without shadows nor wounds, without sorrow nor love…

The wind from the ravine brings a taste of wet soil
and in the song of the old cowherd
the wind of the Pampa seems to blow away its pain...


The wind from the ravine brings a taste of wet soil
and in the song of the old cowherd
the wind of the Pampa seems to blow away its pain...

Tag: descriptive pampa