Danza Maligna (Evil Dance)

Music: Fernando Randale
Lyrics: Claudio Frollo
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Enrique Rodríguez with Armando Moreno in 1940



Se arrastran los compases compadrones
del tango que se encoge, que se estira…
Su música doliente pareciera
sentir que una amenaza se aproxima.

Viviremos los dos el cuarto de hora
de la danza nostálgica y maligna.
Escuchemos latir los corazones
al amparo de Venus Afrodita.

Placer de dioses, baile perverso,
el tango es rito y es religión.
Orquestas criollas son sus altares
y el sacerdote su bandoneón.

Quiero sentirme aprisionado
como en la cárcel de mi dolor.
Guarda silencio, mitad de mi alma,
que hay un secreto entre los dos…



Dragging are the arrogant beats
of the tango that shrinks and stretches.
Its sorrowful music makes it
feel that a threat is approaching.

The two of us will live the quarter-hour
of the nostalgic and evil dance.
Let's listen to the beating of the hearts
under the protection of Venus Aphrodite.

Gods’ pleasure, perverse dance,
tango is a ritual and it's a religion.
Creole orchestras are its altars
and the bandoneon is its priest.

I want to feel imprisoned
like in the jail of my pain.
Keep silent, half of my soul,
for there is a secret between the two of us.
