Cantor De Barrio (Neighborhood Singer) 

Music: Felipe Mitre Navas
Lyrics: Carlos Cacciari
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Ricardo Tanturi with Enrique Campos in 1945



Cantor de barrio, sueñas fortuna
En las reuniones, con tu cantar,
Y a las muchachas de la barriada
Mil serenatas sabes brindar.

Cantor de barrio, llevas el tango
en los latidos del corazón,
mientras se mezclan tus emociones
con los fraseos del bandoneón.

Noche a noche, los muchachos del café,
con tu canto se emocionan
y te alientan con palabras
que aseguran más tu fe.

Y esa piba, que ganó tu corazón,
es la estrella que te guía
y en las noches del romance
engalana tu canción.


Cantor de esquina, muchacho humilde
vives el tango con tu emoción,
y en las reuniones de tu barriada
brilla tu estampa de trovador.


Neighborhood singer, you dream of fortune
In the gatherings, with your singing,
And to the girls of the neighborhood
a thousand serenades you know to offer.

Neighborhood singer, you carry the tango
in the beating of the heart,
While your emotions mix
with the phrasing of the bandoneon.

Night after night, the lads at the cafe,
with your singing they get emotional
And they encourage you with words
that assure your faith even more.

And that girl, who won your heart,
is the star that guides you
And in the nights of romance
embellishes your singing.


Street corner singer, humble man
You live the tango with your feeling,
And in the gatherings of your neighborhood shines your look of troubadour.