Barajando Recuerdos (Shuffling Memories)

Music: Luis Visca
Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo in 1943



Quince años que he dejado
mi barrio abandonado,
corriendo por las calles
de un mundo de quimeras.
Quince años que se han ido,
mas yo no me he olvidado
de vos, barrio testigo,
de aquellas primaveras.

Cruzando por tus calles camino emocionado,
ya no te queda nada del viejo malecón.
Tan sólo como velorio de todo tu pasado,
ahí queda haciendo guardia tu antiguo bodegón.

Ya no está la que ayer
esperaba mi pasada.
Su balcón se cerró y está triste la barriada.
Y ese amor jamás podré olvidar,
muchachos, a pesar del tiempo que pasó.

Hoy no está, mas vuelvo a su balcón
y a quién has de evocar mi corazón.
Quisiera ser muchacho, volver a lo que era,
tener la misma pinta de cuando dije adiós.


Quisiera ser muchacho, volver a lo que era,
tener la misma pinta de cuando dije adiós.
Me siento triste y viejo
y pienso, si pudiera,
romperle las agujas, la vida es un reloj.


Fifteen years  since I’ve left
my abandoned neighborhood,
running on the streets
of a world of impossible dreams.
Fifteen years that are gone,
but I haven’t forgotten
about you, my neighborhood,
witness of those springs.

Crossing your streets I walk with emotion,
there’s nothing left of the old pier.
Only as a wake of all your past,
there remains on watch your old pub.

The one who waited for me
to pass by is no longer there.
Her balcony closed and the neighborhood is sad.
And that love I will not forget,
guys, despite the time that passed.

Today she’s not here, but I return to her balcony and to the one my heart must evoke.
I would like to be young, return to what I was,
to have the same good look when I said goodbye.


I would like to be young, return to what I was,
to have the same good look when I said goodbye.
I feel sad and old
and think, if I could break
its hands, life is a clock.