Anselmo Laguna (Anselmo Laguna)

Music: Vicente Salerno
Lyrics: Marvil 
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Ricardo Tanturi with Enrique Campos in 1945



Me llamo Anselmo Laguna
y voy en pos de mi sueño,
si me acompaña la luna
por esas cortadas de tantos recuerdos.

Me llamo Anselmo Laguna
y llevo en el corazón
un ansia que se desata,
me espera mi ñata juntito al portón.

Si ya no salgo ni juego,
ni fumo, ni bebo, por ella y su amor.
Ni sé lo qué es un domingo
de sol y de pingos, ni sé donde voy.

Si hasta la gente me mira
con cara de asombro, ni puede creer,
que aquel muchacho alocado
esté tan cambiado por una mujer.

Me llamo Anselmo Laguna,
ella está en mi corazón.



My name is Anselmo Laguna
and I'm in search of my dream
when the moon comes along
through those alleys filled with memories.

My name is Anselmo Laguna
and I carry in my heart
a yearning that gets unleashed,
my flat nosed girl is waiting for me at the gate.

I don't go out nor gamble anymore,
nor smoke nor drink, because of her and her love.
I don't even know what a Sunday is
with the sun and the horses, nor where I go.

Even people look at me
with surprised faces, not being able to believe
that that crazy young guy
has changed so much for a woman.

My name is Anselmo Laguna,
she is in my heart.
