Troilo Instrumentals

While limited in quantity, his instrumentals are also great for dancing.

1940s instrumentals

Troilo only recorded 15 instrumentals (1/5) during this period.
The sound is quite similar to the 1940-41 recording by Troilo-Fiorentino.
Instrumentals from this period is the most well played in the milongas today.

Comme il Faut (As It Should Be)

Music: Eduardo Arolas
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1938

Troilo chose this repertoire by Guardia Vieja composer for his first recording.

Tinta Verde (Green Ink)

Music: Agustín Bardi
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1938

The illustration is by Eduardo Arolas.

Cachirulo (Goof)

Music: Francisco Cafiero
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1940

This upbeat song is a milonga staple. It never fails to make people get up and dance.

Milongueando En El 40 (Going to milonga in the 1940s)

Music: Armando Pontier
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1941

Going to milonga in the 1940s. 

Guapeando (Being A Tough Guy)

Music: Juan Larenza
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1940

Guapo is a tough guy, gang. Guapeando means behaving like a tough guy.

Cordón De Oro (Golden Ribbon)

Music: Carlos Posadas
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1941

The oldest recording of this song is in 1916. 

El Tamango (The Boot)

Music: Carlos Posadas
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1941

Composer Posadas aupposedly shared his unpublished scores with Troilo before his death. 

C.T.V. (As You See)

Music: Agustín Bardi
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1940

It's a word play - CTV se te ve .

La Tablada (Slaughterhouse)

Music: Francisco Canaro
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1942

mid 1940s instrumentals

Troilo started to take in new ideas and the instrumentals from this period are more complex with sometimes varying tempo.

Inspiración (Inspiration)

Music: Peregrino Paulos Lyrics: Luis Rubistein 1929Arrangement: Astor Piazzolla
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1943

Troilo recorded it again in 1951, 52, 57.

Dedicado a la sexta compañía del regimiento 2 de infantería». El título se lo sugirió su hermano, el pianista Niels Paulos (luego Nelson Jorge), en homenaje a sus compañeros del servicio militar. 

LyricsRUbistein added the lyrics in 

Por la senda del dolor cruzaron en bandadas los recuerdos del ayertrayendo en pos aquel querer donde quemé la dulce fe de mi ilusión hecha canción; plegaria en flor que ayer bordé en el calor del cuchitril de bohemia...Ensueño azul que me dejó el sinsabor de mi anemia.Se tronchó mi corazón en la esperanza vana que asomara a mi balcóny que fatal me trajo el mal...
RecitadoSoplaron vientos de hastío en los valles de mi viday trajeron las cenizas de mi lírica ilusión,hecha carne en las tinieblas de mi juventud perdidadonde murió mi bohemia con mi última canción.Hoy, la escarcha de los años me blanquearon los cabellosy estoy solo en la tragedia de mi triste soledad,pero aún siento la nostalgia de sus negros ojos bellosa pesar que no tuvieron para mí más que crueldad...
Juventud que ya se fue tras el vano sueño azul de ayer...Deshojada y mustia flor de amor... ¡Ilusión que mató el dolor!

El Distinguido Ciudadano (The Distinguished Citizen)

Music: Peregrino PaulosArrangement: Astor Piazzolla
Recorded by Carlos Di Sarli in 1946


Music: José Martínez
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1943

Troilo recorded it again in 1956.


Chiqué (El Elegante) (Chic (The Elegant One))

Music: Ricardo BrignoloArrangement: Astor Piazzolla
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1944

Troilo recorded it again in 1952 with Piazzolla's arrangement.


Piropos (Flattery)

Music: Martín QuijanoArrangement: Raúl Garello
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1944

Quejas De Bandoneón
(Complaints of Bandoneon)

Music: Juan De Dios Filiberto (1885-1964)Arrangement: Astor Piazzolla
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1944

It's an Guardia Vieja composition by the author of Caminito, revived with a touch of 1940s by Astor Piazzolla's arrangement. Piazzolla played bandoneon in Troilo's orchestra and provided arrangements as well. Troilo asked Piazzolla to added the famous bandoneon variacion by Emilio Brameli at the end.

Color De Rosa (Color of Rose)

Music:  Pedro Polito & Antonio PolitoArrangement: Héctor Artola
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1946

Dedicated to Canaro and other members of his orchestra.

El Africano (The African)

Music: Eduardo PereyraArrangement: Astor Piazzolla
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1946

Eduardo Pereyra dedicated this song to Roberto Firpo and Francisco Canaro. Canaro recorded this song in 1920. Pereyra

Tres Y Dos (Three and Two)

Music: Pedro LaurenzArrangement: Argentino Galván
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1946

Horce race.

Buen Amigo (Good Friend)

Music: Julio De Caro Lyrics: Juan Carlos Marambio CatánArrangement: Argentino Galván
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1946

En las buenas o en las malas triunfante de pie o vencido, la mano del buen amigo, se tiende cordial y buena.Consuelo en la dura pena, aliento en amarga vida si adoré a mi madre en vida, también cultivé amistad.Si alguna vez me ves rodar tu mano firme y fiel me alzará fraternal.Tu corazón, noble sin par, está vibrando al son del violín dormilón.En los riscos del camino mil veces lloré vencido, mil veces fui mal herido, sangrando en la dura huella,de pronto alumbró una estrella tu mano me dio la vida se cerraron mis heridas al soplo de tu bondad.
Mil veces caído sentí desmayar, mil veces tu mano me diste al pasar.Hermano fiel en mi orfandad tu mano firme y noble floreció en amistad.El tiempo cruel no ha de borrar jamás tu fiel recuerdo, buen amigo leal.

La Revancha (The Revenge)

Music: Pedro LaurenzArrangement: Argentino Galván
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1946

Laurenz dedicated this song to his brothers.
Compare with De Caro's recording decades before Troilo's.


Ojos Negros

Arrangement: Ismael Spitalnik 



Arrangement: Ismael Spitalnik 

A La Parilla

Music: \
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1949

1950s instrumentals

This period of Troilo's instrumental sounds like Pugliese.

He recorded many new compositions by young innovative musicians such as Astor Piazzolla, Armando Pontier, etc.

Para Lucirse (To Shine)

Music: Astor PiazzollaArrangement: Astor Piazzolla
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1950

This composition by Piazzolla is as if a warning for tango's future.

Responso (Prayer For The Dead)

Music: Aníbal Troilo
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1951

Troilo composed this song after his best friend Homero Manzi's death.

Prepárense (Prepare Yourself)

Music: Astor Piazzolla
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1951

This composition by Piazzolla is as if a warning for tango's future.

Danzarín (Dancer)

Music: Julián Plaza
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1958

Plaza was bandoneonist for Pugliese but Pugliese never recorded this song. Troilo recorded it in 1958 and 1963.

Cenizas (Ashes)

Music: José María Rizzuti arreglo de Astor Piazzolla
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1952

It's an old song that Fresedo recorded in 1923. 
Astor Piazzolla made this arrangement for Troilo.

Ojos Negros (Black Eyes)

Music:  Vicente Greco
Recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1953