Huỳnh Văn Tâm

Hi, my name is Tam. 

and I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering

If my academic career fails, I will definitely become a guitarist.   

If that fails too, then fine, I will pretend to be a politician.


HUYNH VAN TAM, Ph. D. Candidates

[Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering]

W1-2 Room 4217, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,

Korea Advanced Institute Science and Technology (KAIST)

Email : or

Phone-number: 010-2631-2513



How a student is valued

1. How much progress/work she/he has made?

2. Does she/he show up on time?

3. How often she/he comes to the advisor's office to discuss/show her/his work?

4. Does she/he fulfill the minimum working days/hours?

Life Quotes