

自2000年以来,学校每年开办9-12个班,其中有2-3个班为非中文母语的学生开设,学生总数100-150人。学校使用的教材为国内暨南大学主编的《学中文》(1-12册),非中文母语成人班使用的是 《Integrated Chinese 中文听说读写》。 

塔城中文学校设于佛罗里达州立大学(FSU)的Bellamy楼内,每学年开课时间与FSU同步,分为秋季和春季两个学期。上课时间为每周日下午1:30 – 3:30。感谢FSU鼎立支持,低价为中文学校提供教室。

The Tallahassee Chinese School (TCS) is an non-profit educational organization associated with Chinese Association of Tallahassee (CAT). TCS was established in September, 1997. The mission of the TCS is to provide opportunities for our Chinese children and all people who are interested in learning Chinese language as well as Chinese history and culture. The school is administrated by the principal and school board elected from students' parents. The teachers are chosen from the Chinese community in Tallahassee. 

Since 2000, there are 9-12 classes each school year for children from Chinese families. In addition, there are a couple of classes for children who are raised from American families and adults whose native language is not Chinese. The total number of students is 100 to 150. The textbooks we use are two different series: one for Chinese children is 《Learning Chinese》, the other one for American adult is 《Integrated Chinese 中文听说读写》.

The TCS is located at Bellamy Building at Florida State University (FSU) main campus. The school opens from 1:30 to 3:30pm every Sunday during spring and fall semesters. We appreciated the support from FSU for providing classroom for Chinese school at low price.

Contact Information:

The Tallahassee Chinese School is located at Bellamy Building at FSU main campus. The school opens from 1:30 to 3:30pm every Sunday during Spring and Fall semesters. 

If you happen to have a Google+, please add us for frequent updates about Chinese School. The email is tallychineseschool@gmail.com or search Chinese School Tallahassee! Thanks!

塔城中文学校设于佛罗里达州立大学(FSU)的Bellamy楼内,每学年开课时间与FSU同步,分为秋季和春季两个学期。上课时间为每周日下午1:30 – 3:30。

校长: 李小玄                                         

 Email: tallahasseechineseschool2016@gmail.com                          

Registration link for Spring 2024:

