there is nothing wrong with the app all the reported stroies are false because most people dont know what trolling is and what it is is a joke or lie made up for the preson who made it enjoyment my kids use the app all the time and hell even i use it and in no instance has it done anything that involed sex exept when child mode is off but even then if you ask it about sex it will just get mad and say go away that or if it tells you to stop talking about sex so in short leave it on child mode and dont try and talk dirty with it what you need to watch out for is degrasee jersy shore and smut like that. that crap is discusting

its true all my school is warning about it and talking about it the guy in angelas eye is in the 60 and that has warning everywhere and he kiddnaped 25 kids and he killed them he is doing like that because he wants more money!!!!!!!!!!!

Talking Angela Eyes Download

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I am doing an investigation like this people could easily photoshop a picture into the eyes of talking angela and post it on social media but this is what im here for to investigate talking angela in more detail

I would be like um sorry honey but I am not going to tell you anything about myself ask agin and I might slap you all the way to next month you crazy stalker cat ~smacks talking Angela al the way to may~

Yes yes sir. You claim that there is no such thing as a paedo behind the eyes of the cat. Could it be the fact that you're hiding something confidential that YOU sir keep denying and continuously say it's just a mere reflection of the player.

Yet, scouting closely at the left eye; you can see a male figure. It's not the same person but still a male.

Now explain that sir.

After having experimenting with several girls and a few boys. There does not show the reflection of all the females that encountered this app.

Then how can there be millions of people on this app talking Angela and have some weird pedo talking to them all at once? I don't think outfit 7 would hire over a million pedophiles to look and find people's names and ages

I cant even in words say what I just found out.. I am SHOCKED and want to tell and let my friends and family be made aware so they can make sure their children are safe!!! Angelica stayed home from school today and thank GOD she did. Because she was on her ipod playing a game called talking angela, which is similar to talking tom, anyway as she is sitting next to me this interactive cat says to her hi angelica where is your brother? She says o hes right here next to me the cat says o cool, then the cat says so what do you do for fun? Ang says I dont know, (now im being quiet and listening because I think its weird this angela cat knows she has a brother and is talking to her like a person) then its voice changes and in some weird robotic voice it says angelica when u date what do u do on your dates? She looked at me got red in the face and said nothing, then it said stick out your touunge, ill stick mine out too, it said what are some things u can do with your tounge? I can find many things to do with my tounge it said it said lets intrract w our toungues. I that point I had heard enough I zaid ang shut it off now! I was freaked out called the police departnrnt they came to the house saif they would have the internet investigations unit andpedofile investigations unit look into it, they called me an hour latet and said something is behind that cat!!! They dont know if it is local or over seas. While the police officer was there and ang was talking to him she told the police officer saturday night her cousin and her were on the app w angela and it asked the girls their names what her brothers name was what school they BOTH went to, and it took a picture of angelica!!! This is under serious investigation right now! When I googled talking angela I cant even begin to tell you what creepy stuff came up! Google it for yourselves please!! But some things are the cat asking girls for their phone numbers! And if theyve had their firat kiss!!! Take this app off your phone please! Theres a big chance thid cpuld be a door for pedofiles.the police said they have seen thing *like* this but never actually through a childs app but that they are not putting it past them! The girls told angela the cat on saturday their names and she had a brother and then on monday morning when angelica turned the app back on, It remebered her name and that she had a brother!!! These things ARENT supposed to ask you questions!!! and especially not questions about dating toungues or kissing!! I am disgusted! I dont feel safe at all right now! Knowing that there was some creep talking to my daughter and my neice through a talking app!!! Please if you have this app or any like it the police are saying take it off of your phone!!! Copy and share and send out PLEASE! This word needs to spread! I pray the ocean county investigators can crack this thing open!!!!!

I agree the rumours are absurd but my doubt doubt out of all the talking apps this is by far the creepiest. For example her laugh and noises when you pet her, plus the in inappropriateness of certain things she says

I think its disgusting how someone can watch you and ask these questions I personally wouldn't let my children go on it either right now im freaking out staring at some of the eyes on Google of this cat before I deleted the app I took a look at this app and It also asked me inappropriate questions I believe there is something really wrong #scared

In February 2014, Talking Angela was the subject of an Internet hoax claiming that it encourages children to disclose personal information about themselves, which is ostensibly then used by paedophiles to identify the location of these children. The rumor, which was widely circulated on Facebook and various websites claiming to be dedicated to parenting, claims that Angela, the game's main character, asks the game's user for private personal information using the game's text-chat feature.[3] Other versions of the rumor even attribute the disappearance of a child to the app,[4] or claim that it is run by a paedophile ring, while some go so far as to even claim that the user is recorded by the camera and can be seen in Angela's eyes.[5]

Angela is a white burmilla cat with blue eyes. In My Talking Angela, you can change her eyes to be red, yellow, green, and brown, There are also special eyes like the Angel Eyes, Doll Eyes, and Lucky Cat Eyes. She has no hair, but in My Talking Angela, she has all different kinds of hair styles, eye color, and clothing you can put on her.

yes DiamondSolarizLightz they are fake when i was are kid i downloaded angela old versoin it was safe but boring so i uninstalled it, whoever said they downloaded it and sow are man in the eye are lyers they say that becouse they are fans of the youtuber like how life hacks is it is fake so as 3am youtubers are fake they of their microphone and talk to angela to repeat then they on their camara how do i know becouse angela can only repeat word`s so as all outfit7 apps, so if you dont believe, then download it too see. if their is are man in the eye they may had made are mistake and put their photo in it and angela is just are code they made like the chating it is are code they use it is easy codeing

Remember the Talking Angela app? It's been almost two years since the release of the viral video that sparked both fascination and fear among users. But the hype surrounding this virtual pet app doesn't seem to have died down. In fact, it has recently resurfaced with the launch of a new version, My Talking Angela. With creepy reviews and unsettling user experiences, there are still many unanswered questions about this app. Is there really something sinister lurking behind Angela's eyes?

Before we dive into the unsettling details of the recent app, let's take a trip down Memory Lane and revisit the origins of Talking Angela. The original app featured a virtual pet cat, Angela, who mimicked and interacted with users. However, it quickly caught the Attention of conspiracy theorists who claimed Angela's eyes contained a Hidden camera, spying on unsuspecting users. Despite the lack of evidence, the rumors persisted, and the video exposing Talking Angela's alleged secrets went viral.

Fast forward to the present, and Talking Angela is back with a brand new app called My Talking Angela. With positive reviews and an updated gameplay experience, it seems like a different concept altogether. However, recent user comments suggest otherwise. Many have reported experiencing creepy glitches, unsettling messages, and strange reflections in Angela's eyes. Is this just a case of overactive imaginations, or is there more to these claims?

One recurring theme in user reviews is the presence of reflections in Angela's eyes that Raise eyebrows. While some argue that it's simply a result of realistic graphics, others insist that there is more to it. Screenshots taken by users Show what appears to be windows and even human figures reflected in Angela's eyes. This Detail, although subtle, adds to the unsettling nature of the app and fuels the conspiracy theories surrounding it.

Perhaps the most disturbing claim surrounding the Talking Angela app is the alleged presence of a man in Angela's eyes. Users have reported seeing a white-masked figure with malevolent intentions lurking in the reflective surfaces. Although it's important to take such claims with a grain of salt, the consistency in these accounts cannot be ignored. The idea of a hidden character observing and possibly manipulating users has sparked a lot of debate and speculation.

Talking Angela is not the only app to raise eyebrows. Its counterpart, Talking Ginger, has also been subject to scrutiny. Users have reported similar unsettling experiences and mysterious reflections in the eyes of this virtual pet cat as well. The fact that both apps are from the same company adds another layer to the controversy, leaving users Wondering about the intentions behind these creations. ff782bc1db

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