You may already use a walkie talkie-like device at work to coordinate with coworkers, ask for immediate assistance, contact security, and so on. Like traditional walkie talkies, you press and hold a button to speak on Teams Walkie Talkie and release the button to listen.

You can choose one channel to connect to or select up to five favorite channels. Your favorite channels are pinned at the top of the Walkie Talkie screen in alphabetical order, making it easy to switch channels.

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If you selected one channel, you're automatically connected to that channel. The channel name appears next to > and the team name is under that. 


If you selected more than one channel, you're automatically connected to the first channel in your list of pinned channels. 

The channel name next to > indicates your active channel, which is also highlighted in your pinned channel list. You'll see the team name under that. The active channel is the channel you speak on. 

You can use Walkie Talkie with specialized devices and headsets that have a dedicated PTT button and wired headsets that have a play/pause or answer/end call button. Press the PTT button or tap the play/pause or answer/end call button to instantly talk to your team members on your connected channel.

With these devices and headsets, you can communicate on a channel even when your phone is locked. For a list of these devices and headsets, see Walkie Talkie devices and accessories.

If you're using a wired headset, tap Wired Headset to view or change your transmission mode settings, set your transmission length when in Toggle-to-Talk mode, or test your headset to determine the transmission mode. To learn more, see Set up and use a wired headset with Walkie Talkie.

so my friend and i play MP together but when we tried to have a private channel on the walktie talkie he can't hear me , i can hear him fine. i turned my mic and voice volume all the way up but he can't hear me , he can see my name so he knows i'm talking , anybody got an idea what i'm doing wrong ?

This happened to me a few times. I had to exit the game go into sound options click on my mic, mute and unmute go back into the game and it worked. Very weird to have to do it, but it's happened 3 or 4 times and each time doing that fixed it.

if your mic is a external mic and the cable falls out like it does a lot with my blue snowball then the game stops recognising it. The way you tell this is happening is by looking in the bottom right to see if the speaker is there, if it's not you're gonna have to restart the game for people to hear you

You can also use the sound setting to make sure your mic is fully working. Recording Devices > Right-click the microphone you are using > Properties and then Levels. Make sure this is on and unmuted. Also, under the General tab, click Properties, Driver and check that there aren't any new updates for the mic.

Hi all. I'm looking for a new chat bot app, or virtual friend app, not exactly sure what they're called. Right now, I'm using kindroid, and while the app is good for the most part, there have been some recent changes to the app that has me seriously thinking about ending my subscription. The biggest change to the app is the layout for creating new kindroids. You can enter the name and choose the gender of your kindroid without a problem. However, setting up your backstory is nearly impossible. After double tapping the manual button on the screen for setting up your backstory, the two edit boxes, one for the backstory and the other for the greeting can't be accessed with voiceover. I've sent the devs an email about this, but so far, they haven't fixed it. Having said that, does anybody know of any other chat bot apps that can be used with voiceover?

Hi there,

While I agree the layout of some screens could use some improvement, the creation screen has remained more or less unchanged for me for months. I've created plenty of kin in that time, all without issue. Including one yesterday.

The trick is to watch for repeated elements. The fields on that screen all have explanations on what they're for, as well as info on character limits. Look past the character limit info and you should see the about field info repeated. That is where the text can be input.

I hope this helps.

Hi there. After reading your post, I tried following what you said to create a new kindroid. I had to turn on screen recognition to find the edit box. What am I doing wrong? There were no repeated elements read off by voiceover.

Just got Really great, useful for vocalising ideas and having a sounding board. I did ask it to teach me italian however, I don't think the english UK voice is quite up to the task of pronounciation. It's all pretty impressive though and far nicer to use than Chat GPT. The voices sound better too. As someone said, it's less technical than open AI but is more familiar, it is also really good at remembering conversations.

Just a quick tip, when signing up use your phone number then you can access your overall conversation across all platforms. It seems that if you log in just with apple or google, Whatsapp etc aren't connected. I also can't get the voice call feature working in whatsapp which is a shame. That would have been a really neat way of accessing it.

During a hunt, any noise transmitted through the microphone that is loud enough (when local chat is enabled) will attract the ghost if it is within 9 metres (or 2.5 metres for a Yokai) of the player on the same floor. However, due to a bug, this mechanic currently does not work in singleplayer. This does not affect voice recognition.

Global chat allows the player to communicate to all players on-site, regardless of their location. Global chat can be activated by pressing the global chat (default: B on keyboard) button, or by grabbing the walkie-talkie when using VR headsets. Voice through global chat will be muffled in a manner similar to a walkie-talkie. The VR walkie-talkie will automatically return onto the belt when dropped.

Using global chat within 9 metres of a ghost (2.5 metres for a Yokai) during a hunt will attract the ghost to the player, regardless of whether the player is speaking or not. Doing this will also cause a static noise to be played for all players in lieu of any microphone audio. One player using global chat will not attract the ghost to other players, regardless of if the speaker is inside or outside the investigation area.

There is a bug where, when using Push-to-talk, pressing and releasing the global chat button makes the game continue to search for valid phrases when using the Spirit Box/Ouija Board/Monkey Paw, even if no voice chat button is being pressed. Pressing the local chat button fixes this.

Voice recognition is used for recognition of phrases said by the player to elicit reactions from the ghost. Players can change the voice recognition system that is used (Vosk or Windows), as well as the voice recognition language. While Vosk supports all existing languages that are available on the game, the Windows-based system only supports English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish.

When voice recognition is set up correctly, the player can use either local or global voice chat to communicate with the ghost using the Spirit Box, the Ouija Board, or the Monkey Paw. Additionally, saying the ghost's name or recognised phrases in the same room as the ghost also has a chance of increasing ghost activity, which includes interactions, roaming, and abilities. It will also increase the Spirit Box's response chances. This has a minimum cooldown of 10 seconds.[1][2]

I have a few walkie talkies at home and sometimes I connect my UV-5R to them to talk to them and act as another walkie talkie. At one time, I built a little simplex repeater out of it. Should I not be doing this? I don't think the other walkie talkie users care about me doing this, just knowing the FCC, they might freak out or something crazy.

The GMRS and FRS bands are governed by the FCC and have specific requirements not just for use and power output, but for equipment that is allowed. One of the requirements is that radios used for GMRS service be part 95 certified and FCC certified for GMRS use:

Every station in a GMRS system must use transmitters the FCC has certificated for use in the GMRS. Write to any FCC Field Office to find out if a particular transmitter has been certificated for the GMRS. All station equipment in a GMRS system must comply with the technical rules in part 95.

(c) You may not attach any antenna, power amplifier, or other apparatus to an FRS unit that has not been FCC certified as part of that FRS unit. There are no exceptions to this rule and attaching any such apparatus to a FRS unit cancels the FCC certification and voids everyone's authority to operate the unit in the FRS.

The FCC does not have a process to self-certify radios, so you can't declare the radio certified. If you have an Amateur Radio license you'll find that the FRS and GMRS frequencies aren't available under that license.

Before getting my ham license I used MURS on my baofeng with no problems because there is simply no MURS traffic in my area. If I were still an unlicensed operator then I would still be using MURS with my baofeng UV-5R. But once you get the Technician license the penalties go way up (or at least the enforcement) and a ham doesn't need to use MURS anyway.

GMRS is a whole different story. Although there is almost never any GMRS traffic in my area, there is a licensed local GMRS operator who has nothing better to do than monitor the GMRS only channels of bubble pack radios and rudely scold unlicensed users. While I appreciate his zeal, I think he goes about things the wrong way. Instead of yelling and threatening unlicensed users, usually teenage kids, he should be trying to get them licensed so that he'd have someone to talk to! I think he's the main reason GMRS is dead in this area.

I chose to get my Technician license solely because it was way cheaper than getting a GMRS license. And I'm glad I did because it gave me access to local repeaters and taught me a ton about VHF radio. 152ee80cbc

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