Problemi Download Canva

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When using embedded canvas apps such as SharePoint forms, SharePoint web parts, and model driven forms, users may see a black box when scrolling covering part of the app. This issue happens with chromium-based browsers starting with version 83. There is not a workaround at this time. The team is actively investigating to find a fix and workaround. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am trying to draw a canvas with a TGraph inside a loop for some kind of simple event display, using cin to pause the program for each event.

Nothing is shown, except for the last event in the loop which displays correctly. I get the same result with the C++ compiler or the interpreter.

Here is the code with an example drawing a random TGraph:

If is really needed, then accessibility should be incorporated into the design and the specification should include an appropriate fallback strategy that is supported by assistive technology. Accessible fallback for canvas has not been tested. It is unknown if it works.

"Authors should not use the canvas element in a document when a more suitable element is available. For example, it is inappropriate to use a canvas element to render a page heading: if the desired presentation of the heading is graphically intense, it should be marked up using appropriate elements (typically h1) and then styled using CSS and supporting technologies such as XBL."

"When authors use the canvas element, they must also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas. This content may be placed as content of the canvas element. The contents of the canvas element, if any, are the element's fallback content."

Regarding a time frame for when Window Eyes will announce canvas fallback, the company has said, "Here's a firm commitment, guarantee, absolute fool-proof, official statement that you can take to the bank: we'll do it when we're ready." - Via GW Micro, May 2009.

The canvas API gets information in, so it's possible that one could get information out. The problem is: in what order. There are various heuristics that could be used (the order in which it's drawn, its rendered distance from the origin, or other more elaborate approaches). It may not be ideal, or even the right thing to do, but there certainly is information being provided by the developer to the canvas API that could be exposed to AT. There could, furthermore, be additional pushAnnotation(string)/ popAnnotation() calls added to the API that could provide alternative text information about what is being painted.

Canvas is not mapped to MSAA, but ARIA roles can be added via JavaScript, e.g. resulting in canvas role="img". Still a canvas contains shapes, images, or text. What's missing is a childNode model for those so that they appear in MSAA accessibility,

Shift some of the work to the browser, by specifying an accessibility API for the canvas itself (If this is a simple canvas tree then it is likely to be missing some of the info that would be required for orientation when you are accessing it via the accessibility API.)

Make a DOM interface to the platform accessibility APIs that would meet the needs of authors trying to hand-roll their UI. Make the child objects available in the DOM where they can receive any ARIA enhancements you can possibly bolt on by scripting. It is true that currently is just a flat bitmap that you can save as PNG or data URL, but when creating shapes and contents in a canvas, why shouldn't you be allowed to add semantics at the same time? But a prerequisite would be browsers mapping those child objects to the DOM, and perhaps using the RDF features of the XHTML role module to expand the available roles by textnodes or things to describe 3D image galleries or future progressive UIs.

Maybe the browser should offer an easy way to disable "canvas" specifically in favour of that DOM tree. Alternatively, efforts like _style_guide may help somewhat in terms of enforcing consistency between apps.

Having a hidden DOM under the canvas element, may not be the best way to expose OS integration, not even just for accessibility. If such an approach works with acceptable accuracy and performance then it casts doubt on the motivation for using at all; and in general having two completely separate ways of presenting the same content that must be kept in sync (even in the face of dynamic change) is likely to be error-prone.

In order to take the object concept to the next level it is important to understand the process by which the author is writing to canvas. The association of the semantic model with the drawing model will be very important conceptually for authors. It will be important to associate the objects, in the model, with a graphics context. It is also clear that applications may have multiple contexts for a given application. At lower levels of graphics systems device contexts are associated with windows or lite-weight drawing objects. In the end this will be no different than canvas. In our objects model, objects may in fact reference the same drawing context.

How developers use canvas will be inherently different than how they use the DOM. Authors will use a collection of drawing primitive to the canvas graphics context. The context will contain at any time the current foreground, background text, clipping areas, and so on. Based on the context the author draws wherever the want to the canvas based on the state of the context. Consequently, there is no W3C DOM the author will load which would then be rendered by the browser. In fact, there is no guarantee that the author will have a DOM structure for things like text. It is most likely the author will have their own conceptual object model i.e. "This part of the canvas represents the text the editor" or "this part of the canvas represents the decision statement in a flow chart."

Some canvas content may be in the form of 2 Dimensional data or other rich graphical drawing where it just does not make sense to have the author go through an enormous effort to make it accessible as there may be a simple solution. For example, most 2D Graphics (Pie charts, Bar charts, histograms) can be easily rendered through an HTML table interface with headers to someone who is blind. In the case where the data changes dynamically, you can simply replace the graph with an aria-enabled grid bound a server data using Ajax. We should consider adding properties to canvas which describe equivalent alternatives, including entirely different objects, that can be used to replace it as an accessible alternative. This flexible interface would also be of great value to HTML elements like the video tag. The video tag may contain a video closed captioned in English. This would be problematic for a hearing impaired user who only speaks Spanish. We may consider incorporating Access For All metadata for , , and other HTML elements to allow for this flexibility either in HTML 5 or a follow on. The Ubiquitous Web Application Working group has a personalization roadmap to address providing user preferences that could be consumed by the user agent to perform the content selection.

Link to several things from inside the canvas for uses like CAPTCHA and multimedia version of an online course. This requires a more complex site structure since you have to start maintaining parallel versions, which is generally a bad choice to have them up to date (the principle of visible metadata). So the question is whether that is sufficient - and given the paucity of current implementation of fallbacks, perhaps it is. You can always use the existing object element to cascade inside the content too. Maybe looking at how multilingual content is handled would give more interesting source material to try and interpret

Add a warning and advice to the spec for reasons not to use canvas and other suitable alternatives -- the text in the HTML5 spec saying when canvas is inappropriate doesn't give any justification and seems likely to be ignored. Example

Discourage inappropriately use of canvas. If one is using canvas as a rendering layer for an application like Bespin then accessibility of that application goes out the window. The solution to that problem is to figure out why people would want to do that and provide them more accessibility-friendly ways of achieving their goals. Disallow canvas as a rendering layer for an application.

Build something like an ARIA tree as part of what happens inside the canvas. It's not entirely clear how to navigate this tree visually - you need associations with bits of the canvas perhaps, or maybe authoring guidelines tha explain that you need to pick up on navigation by that tree and respond to it.

But that would at least provide a mechanism by which authors who wanted to could make something better than an entire alternative, becaus it would be part of the code that controls the canvas already.

This is essentially authoring guidelines, rather than anything automated, but canvas is for script authors - a step more complex than SVG and therefore a step harder to generalise with easy-fit solutions. And it's about as close as I can see to a solution (since "create a complete alternative" isn't a solution to making canvas accessible, it's just a reason to avoid it altogether - and that won't happen).

Use RDFa for metadata (e.g. author). There are many common ways of including information in binary image files, and some common ones are RDF-based and therefore should be readily RDFa compatible. Attach generic metadata to things that are applications (this was clear enough that images do it already, and lots of tools use that data). If there is an issue on doing that in general, this doesn't need to be specific to canvas, but canvas needs to be noted as a use case.

1________ to facilitate focused discussion on the canvas API and to encourage participation in that discussion from graphics experts and others who may not be members of the HTML working group (and may not want to be). 5376163bf9

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