Tales of India


My name is Caitlyn and I made this site for my portfolio project in the Indian Epics class at The University of Oklahoma. If you have any thoughts or comments you would like to make, follow this link to my blog page about this site.

Background information:

All of my stories are retellings of the Indian Epics we are reading in class and are mixed with elements from the popular animated series, Avatar the Last Airbender. This show is a story about a young boy named Aang and takes place in a world that is made up of four nations: Fire Nation, Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, and the Air Nomads. In this world, some people have control over one of the four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. This kid is the avatar, the one person who can control all four elements. The avatar is reincarnated into a new child when the current one dies. The avatar is born in one of the four nations in a cycle: water, earth, fire, then air. Aang was born into the Air Nomads and the avatar before him was born into the Fire Nation. Aang travels around the world with his friends: Katara, a waterbender from the South Pole, her brother Sokka, a non-bender but enthusiastic and sarcastic fighter, Toph, a blind but very powerful earthbender, and their furry friends, Momo, a flying lemur, and Appa, a flying air bison. Aang's mission is restoring balance to the word and reinstating harmony between the four nations. For the last century, the Fire Nation has been taking over the world and oppressing the other nations, their benders, and their cultures. Prince Zuko, of the Fire Nation, is on a mission to hunt down and capture the avatar.