Tales of Embynn

Where the land, sea, and sky, are united through magic

Welcome to Embynn!

If you're looking for a sprawling world with lots of lore to really sink your teeth into, you've stumbled across the right place! Tales of Embynn is a fantasy worldbuilding project created by Kamine. It's full of slice-of-life, character-driven stories, and Gods who barely know what they're doing. At the moment, it's the setting for oneshots, but there are multiple novels planned for the future.

If you're new here, welcome! We're always open to new people joining the community.

Latest News

Okyurio's Angels! Descend!

Okyurio's Angels! Descend! project has gone live!

Join Okyurio's Angels, Kokori and Hanami as they adventure into earth through their own twitter account! Posting pictures, expressing their feelings, and trying their best to communicate with this new world, this is the closest you'll ever be able to get to interacting with them!

Twitter - @okyuriosangels

Getting Started in Embynn

With a project as developed as Tales of Embynn, it may seem like a mammoth task to get into it; but luckily there's not actually that much content uploaded at the moment. Right now, the best way to get started is to read oneshots (more specifically the 'Welcome To Embynn' collection) and to use the 'Lore' and 'Characters' sections at the top of the page to get more information about the content you've read!

Join the Discord!

The official Tales of Embynn discord server is the best way to interact and talk with both Kamine and other Tales of Embynn fans, as well as get updates on upcoming content and projects.

About EvxiKamine

Hi! I'm EvxiKamine (better known as Kami!). My main hobbies are writing are worldbuilding, but I also love drawing, language-learning, and daydreaming endlessly about Embynn. In my spare time I study Japanese and Spanish.

Tales of Embynn is my little passion project that I first created when I was around 10 years old. At first it was just a little idea for a story, but over the years it's grown and grown (and maybe spiralled a bit out of control) into an huge mass of lore and characters and backstory. I love this world and it's characters with all my heart; it's my little world to escape to - and my dream is to share it with the world so other people can escape to it too!

I'm always open to meeting new people and expanding the community, so if you want to talk (and I'm open to talking about pretty much anything) dm me on discord or twitter - they're always open!

If you don't have discord, don't worry! Tales of Embynn also has an email.

Contact me!

Discord - Kami☆Bear#5343
Email -
Twitter - @talesofembynn