Educators can also help foster a sense of belonging in their classrooms by having high standards combined with rigorous support, adopting a communal orientation and letting students know they have the safety to be wrong, because mistakes mean that they are being ambitious.

What I did not realize, though, is that the feeling of home and belonging don't always come packaged together. Canada is my new home, and with that critical foothold, I can now start the hard work of building my own unique flavour of Canadian-ness.

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The Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley advances groundbreaking approaches to transforming structural marginalization and inequality. We are scholars, organizers, communicators, researchers, artists, and policymakers committed to building a world where all people belong.

In this chapter, the authors discuss artifacts in which children explore belonging and home. The chapter defines the sense of belonging as a core feature of humanity and living together. The feeling of having a home and being at home is both an intimate and a socially shared aspect of belonging. The children expressed belonging to a wide range of spaces in their artifacts. This spatial span extends from macro to micro scale and indicates belonging based on spaces, social relations, and materiality. Even very young children can see and depict their belonging as multiple and including spatial and social dimensions. The analyzed artifacts reveal both concrete and symbolic approaches to belonging and home.

The CLLP lesson plans did not explicitly bring this interpretation into the discussion. Instead, teachers were advised to encourage students to form their own narrative of the film, emphasizing the concepts of belonging and home. The lesson plans guided the teachers to take a relativist approach: Home does not mean the same thing for everyone and it is not only a house, but includes social and emotional dimensions.

Our data for this chapter includes 743 works from Cyprus (77), Germany (32), Israel (339), Lithuania (32), Portugal (111), and the UK (152). Some of these artifacts were created individually but most in small groups, or (especially in the youngest group), created individually but then combined as a collage for the whole class. The collaborative artifacts could include dozens of individual creations. The artifacts dealing with belonging (184) were all made by students in the second age group, while the artifacts on home (559) were created by all age groups (since some teachers used the same instructions for the second and youngest age groups). Many of the artifacts that dealt with home also reflected on the idea of belonging, especially those made in the oldest age group. Even though these two themes are closely connected in our data, we explore the artifacts on belonging and home in turn for analytic clarity, ending with a discussion on the intersections of these themes.

Even very young children were able to perceive and depict their belonging as multiple, including several dimensions, and simultaneously occurring on different scales. For instance, one of the artifacts illustrates belonging through a family holding hands next to an apartment building in which they have their home. Next to the family, there is a flagpole with a Lithuanian flag and a signpost with the name of the district of the city where they live.

In the youngest age group, Portuguese children linked home to broader spatial entities, such as their homeland or the municipal area where they lived, more often than the students from other countries. They also often mentioned the beach, which reflects their everyday surroundings. This indicates that the feeling of home goes beyond the house or the people that live in it, to encompass their broader environment. In the second age group, the Israeli students mentioned their spatial surroundings, such as a village or a state, more than the other students. Moreover, children in the youngest age group (only once in the second age group) made some artifacts depicting the Earth, which may reflect a broader sense of home as the entire planet. That said, the film used in these lessons represents the Earth as the home that the main character longs for. In the oldest group, Portuguese children were specifically asked to draw a film script based on Baboon on the Moon, which clearly affected their choice of imagery.

Wow Donna. Reading your comment made me cry. Thanks so much for sharing here. Our blood is indeed home and being close to those who share our blood definitely creates a strong sense of belonging and home.

I suppose as someone who never had one home, really anywhere,I feel some bit of sadness about that. There is a part of me that so wants to find a farm, allow my children to run around, and a part of me, who like you, has this adventure inside, calling strongly to her.

So answer the real question, Where do I consider home? Wherever I am laying my head to go to sleep. No matter what is happening in the day, I have to sleep sometime and wherever my body and mind is, I would call that home. In my situation, the most peaceful part of my day is when I wake up and before I go to sleep. So where ever that takes place each night, that is my home.

I love reading your blog Kate, and am a huge fan of your Mom. I recently moved my two kids and myself from Charlotte to Atlanta to follow a teaching dream. Our neighbors threw a good bye block party with a band and I gave a toast. The bottom line was: home was looking in the mirror and wherever I happened to put my feet on the floor that morning. Good luck and keep writing!

The criticism of methodological nationalism (Wimmer and Glick Schiller) and what was seen as the transnational turn within migration studies in the early 1990s sprang out from anthropological and ethnographic research but soon spread to other disciplines, challenging previous scholarship and its failure to capture how new forms of transportation and communication had eased movements and contacts across borders. They also pointed to how these transnational practices affected place-belongingness and a sense of home, as home could be both here, there, here and there, or neither here nor there (Erdal 2014).

Boccagni (2017) contends that home is a distinctive emotional experience, different from other forms of place attachments, such as belonging, since it implies claiming visibility, recognition, participation and ownership. The way he employs the concept of belonging in his book, however, is not so different from his conceptualization of a feeling of home. In fact, when revising the literature, one realizes that definitions of home often contain the concept of belonging without further conceptualizing it; the same can be said for definitions of belonging which often rely on the concept of home. While this may be confusing, it also highlights the close relationship between these two terms.

According to legend, Pele views the lava rocks as her children, and when the rocks / her children (or anything else that belongs to her) get taken away, she is so angered she exacts terrible revenge on the thief. Moreover, her revenge (like that of any woman scored) is not a mild-mannered one.

Subject to the conditions identified below, this Guidance will offer an exemption from the unsupervised take-home medication requirements of 42 C.F.R.  8.12(i). Specifically, OTPs taking advantage of this exemption, may provide unsupervised take-home doses of methadone in accordance with the following time in treatment standards:

In all instances, it is within the clinical judgement of the OTP practitioner to determine the actual number of take-home doses within these ranges. OTP decisions regarding dispensing methadone for unsupervised use under this exemption shall be determined by an appropriately licensed OTP medical practitioner or the medical director. In determining which patients may receive unsupervised doses, the medical director or program medical practitioner shall consider, among other pertinent factors that indicate whether the therapeutic benefits of unsupervised doses outweigh the risks, the following criteria:

State Opioid Treatment Authorities may, at any time following the issuance of this FAQ, register their concurrence with this exemption by submitting a written concurrence to the Division of Pharmacological Therapies mailbox. To ensure a seamless transition from the methadone take home flexibility issued during the COVID-19 public health emergency to this guidance, states are encouraged to do this no later than May 10, 2023. If a state previously did not utilize the exemption announced on March 16, 2020, then the state may still submit a written concurrence.

1Amram O, Amiri S, Panwala V, Lutz R, Joudrey PJ, Socias E. The impact of relaxation of methadone take-home protocols on treatment outcomes in the COVID-19 era. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2021 Oct 20:1-8. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2021.1979991. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34670453.

When I was very little, I loved to dance. That was before I paid attention to who might see me dancing. That was before I cared about what others thought. That was before I was told by well-meaning adults to not jump around so wildly, lest my skirt rise up and show more than I should. Who were you before those voices told you something was wrong with you? Take a trip down memory lane. Google what music or movies were playing when you were five or ten or 15. Bring back joyful moments of your youth and pay attention to the times you felt at home. Start asking yourself where home is for you. You may be surprised at your answers.

I have suffered this same malaise since both my parents died in 2008 and my son married and left for another state and married a woman who treats me indifferently. I have no husband and no close surviving family members. Covid impacted that even further when my doctor started losing it and I had to find a new doctor which was very painful to face during Covid as he was my doctor for 3 years. Its really sad how so much can happen all at once and if I didnt have any inner resolve I would not be alive now.

To me, home was all about family. I have to relearn that and find a new way to belong. I like the ideas in this article; it definitely does help. I am trying to find any place right now though as rents have gotten so high and housing prices have been unreachable. The only place that I feel home at all is here in PA despite all the terrible losses but I am considering a move towards Erie Pa where I can be near the water. I just cant do it right now because its so expensive there to rent an airbnb or hotel until I can find an apartment. The economy has made it even harder to find a fit. Hopefully soon. Thanks again for the article 17dc91bb1f

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