Takao Dantsuji  (壇辻 貴生)

Email: Takao.Dantsuji [at] monash.edu


・Research Fellow

Monash Institute of Transport Studies,

Monash University

・Cooperative Researcher

Institute of Science and Engineering,

Kanazawa University


・2023.05 - present: Reseach Fellow, Monash University 

・2022.12 - present: Cooperative Researcher, Kanazawa University

・2021.04 - 2022.12: Project Assistant Professor, Kanazawa University

・2020.07 - 2021.02: Project Reseacher, The University of Tokyo 

・2019.10 - 2021.03: Postdoctoral Researcher, Tokyo Institute of Technology

・2019.10 - 2020.03: Research fellow (PD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 

・2019.10 - 2020.03: Visiting Researcher, Institue of Transport Studies, Monash University (Host reseacher: Dr. Nan Zheng and Prof. Hai L. Vu)

・2018.04 - 2019.09: Research fellow (DC2), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 


・2016.10 - 2019.09: Dr.Eng. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology  

・2014.04 - 2016.09: M.Eng. Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology  

・2010.04 - 2014.03: B.Eng.  Department of Civil Engineering, Waseda University 


Dantsuji, T. and  Takayama, Y., 2024. Hypercongestion, autonomous vehicles, and urban spatial structure. Transportation Science

・Wang, T., Ngoduy, D., Li, Y., Lyu, H, Zou, G., and Dantsuji, T. 2024. Koopman theory meets graph convolutional network: Learning the complex dynamics of non-stationary highway traffic flow for spatiotemporal prediction. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 187, 115437. 

・Wang, T., Ngoduy, D., Zou, G., Dantsuji, T., Liu, Z., and Li, Y., 2024.  PI-STGnet: Physics-integrated spatiotemporal graph neural network with fundamental diagram leaener for highway traffic flow prediction. Expert Systems with Application, 258, 125144. 

・Dantsuji, T., Sugishita, K. and Fukuda, D., 2023. Understanding changes in travel patterns during the COVID-19 outbreak in the three major metropolitan areas of Japan. Transportation Research Part A, 175, 103762.

Dantsuji, T., Takayama, Y. and Fukuda, D., 2023. Perimeter control in a mixed bimodal bathtub model. Transportation Research Part B, 173, pp.267-291

・Dantsuji, T., Hoang, H. N., Zheng, N. and Vu, L. H., 2022. A novel metamodel-based framework for large-scale dynamic origin-destination demand calibration. Transportation Research Part C, 136, 103545.

Dantsuji, T., Fukuda, D. and Zheng, N., 2021. Simulation-based joint optimization framework for congestion mitigation in multimodal urban network: A macroscopic approach. Transportation, 48, pp.673-697. 

Dantsuji, T., Hirabayashi, S., Fukuda, D. and Ge, Q., 2020. Cross comparison of spatial partitioning methods for an urban transportation network. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 18, pp.412-421.

Dantsuji, T., Fukuda, D. and Zheng, N., 2019. Dynamic congestion pricing in a bi-modal transportation system: 3D-MFD based simulation approach. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management), 75(5), pp.1029-1038.(in Japanese) 

Dantsuji, T., Sugishita, K., Fukuda, D. and Asano, M., 2017. Analysis of the Properties of Tourists’ Dwell Time using Wi-Fi Packet Data:A Case Study of the Approach to Hase-dera Temple. Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 52(3), pp.247-254. (in Japanese) 

Zheng, N., Dantsuji, T., Wang, P. and Geroliminis, N., 2017. Macroscopic Approach for Optimizing Road Space Allocation of Bus Lanes in Multimodal Urban Networks Through Simulation Analysis. Transportation Research Record, 2651(1), pp.42-51. 


・ Traffic System Management and Traffic Congestion in a Mixed Expressway and Highway Network: Evidence from the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (with Hiromichi Yamaguchi)

Understanding changes in traffic demand during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games  (with Masaki Nakagawa)

Mechanism design for coordinating vehicle-based mobile sensing tasks within the ride-hailing platform (with Shenglin Liu, Qian Ge, Ke Han, and Daisuke Fukuda)

A hybrid neural network for real-time OD demand calibration under disruptions (with Dong Ngoduy, Ziyuan Pu, Seunghyeon Lee, and Hai L. Vu)

・Autonomous vehicles, parking, and urban spatial structure (with Zhi-Chun Li, Wen-Jing Liu, André de Palma, and Yuki Takayama)


Perimeter control with transit priority in bimodal multiregion networks: A deep reinforcement learning approach

A computationally efficient simulation-based optimization for road space allocation in a mixed bimodal transportation system 


・Dantsuji T., Ngoduy D., Pu Z., Lee S., and Vu, L. A hybrid neural network for real-time OD demand calibration under disruptions. The 45th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Melbourne, 2024. (Accepted)

Dantsuji, T. and Takayama, Y. Hypercongestion, autonomous vehicles, and urban spatial structure. The 25th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT 25), Michigan, 2024.

Dantsuji, T. and Takayama, Y. Perimeter control, autonomous vehicle, and urban spatial structure. Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA 2023), Santander, 2023. 

・Dantsuji, T. and Fukuda, D. A bi-modal morning commute problem in urban cities with road space allocation and congestion pricing. Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA 2019), Paris, 2019 

・Dantsuji, T. Simulation-based joint optimization framework for congestion mitigation in multimodal urban network: A macroscopic approach. World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR2019), Mumbai, 2019. 

・Hirabayashi, S., Dantsuji, T., Fukuda, D. and Ge, Q. Cross comparison of spatial partitioning methods for urban transportation network. International Symposium of Transport Simulation (ISTS ’18) and the International Workshop on Traffic Data Collection and its Standardization (IWTDCS ’18), Matsuyama, August 2018. 

・Dantsuji, T. and Fukuda, D. Departure time and Transport Mode Choices in Cities with Road Bottleneck and Crowding in Transit. Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA 2018), Hong Kong, 2018 

・Dantsuji, T., Fukuda, D. and Zheng, N. A macroscopic approach for optimizing road space allocation of bus lanes in multimodal urban networks through simulation analysis: An application to the Tokyo CBD network. IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Yokohama, 2018 

・Dantsuji, T. and Fukuda, D. Evaluation of Impact of Olympic Lanes on Urban-Scale Traffic Network in Central Tokyo Based on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Approach. The 21st Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS) Conference, Hong Kong 2017. 

・Zheng, N., Dantsuji, T., Wang, P. and Geroliminis, N. Macroscopic Approach for Optimizing Road Space Allocation of Bus Lanes in Multimodal Urban Networks Through Simulation Analysis. Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2017. 

・Dantsuji, T., Oka, H., Hagino, Y., Fukuda, D. Preliminary study of the freight vehicle probe data from the urban freight survey in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area 2014. URBE 2015 - URban freight and BEhavior change, Rome, 2015 


・Dantsuji, T. and Takayama, Y. Hypercongestion, autonomous vehicles, and urban spatial structure, International Workshop on The Future of Cities at Huazhong University of Science and Technology,  Wuhan, China, 2024

・Dantsuji, T. Perimeter control in a mixed bi-modal bathtub, Advances Behavior Modelling and Urban Networks Research Seminar, online, 2022

・Dantsuji, T. Modeling urban transportation systems. Network science seminar, Kanazawa, 2021

・Dantsuji, T. A novel metamodel-based framework for large-scale dynamic origin-destination demand calibration. International BinN Research Seminar, Tokyo, 2021. 

・Dantsuji, T. Simulation-based joint optimization framework for congestion mitigation in multimodal urban network: A macroscopic approach. Seminar organized by Institute of Transport Studies of Monash University, Melbourne, 2019. 

・Dantsuji, T. Simulation-based joint optimization framework for congestion mitigation in multi- modal urban network: A macroscopic approach. Symposium CSIS DAYS 2018, Chiba, 2018 

・Dantsuji, T. Departure Time and Mode Choice in Urban Cities with Bottleneck Congestion and Crowding Cost. Workshop ”Big data and Transportation Dynamics”, Tokyo, 2018 

・Sugishita, K., Dantsuji, T. and Nakanishi, W., Understanding universal and strategic properties of pass networks in football games based on complex network analysis. The 7th Sport Data Analsysis Competition (Football), Tokyo, 2017 

・Dantsuji, T. Macroscopic Approach for Optimizing Road Space Allocation of Bus Lanes in Multimodal Urban Networks Through Simulation Analysis. Urban Economics Workshop, Kyoto, 2017. 

・Dantsuji, T. Macroscopic Approach for Optimizing Road Space Allocation of Bus Lanes in Multimodal Urban Networks Through Simulation Analysis. International BinN Research Seminar, Tokyo, 2017.