Research Papers

Welcome to Takako Fujiwara-Greve's site!   (Last update 2023/11/27.)   

I am a professor of economics, at Department of Economics, Keio University.

Here is my official web site at Keio University.

My book, Non-Cooperative Game Theory (Springer, 2015), has two pages: information for instructors etc. and Springer's page.

Working Papers and Extended Versions of Published Papers

Older drafts:

*"Accountable Voting: Impossibility and an Analysis of Concrete Rules" (joint with Yoko Kawada, Komazawa U., Yuta Nakamura, Yokohama City U., and Noriaki Okamoto, Meiji Gakuin U.)  (Draft of 2021.) SSRN 3786674.

*"Exit Option can Make Cooperation Easier" (joint with Yosuke Yasuda, Osaka University) (Latest version as of 2017/12/12.)

*"Tolerance and Behavioral Diversity" (joint with Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, University of Tokyo emeritus) (Latest version as of 2019/1/2.)

Older versions have the title:  "Diverse Behavior Patterns in a Symmetric Society with Voluntary Partnerships" ( Old version as of 2016/10/14.  SSRN version.)

*"Dynamic Noncooperative Group Formation with Size Advantage and Group Reputation" (Latest version as of 2015/08/08.)

*"Inspecting Cartels" (joint with Yosuke Yasuda, Osaka University) (An old version as of July 2014)

Recently (?) Published Papers

The complete list of my work is available in my cv at Keio University. 

*"Farsighted Clustering with Group-Size Effects and Reputations" (joint with Toru Hokari, Keio University).  Dynamic Games and Applications,  2023, 13, 610-635. (Submitted version of 2022/07/26Online Appendix.)  NEW!

*"Algorithms may not learn to play a unique Nash equilibrium" (joint with Carsten Krabbe Nielsen,  Catholic University of Milan.) Journal of Computational Social Science,  2021, 4(2), 839-850.  (Final version.  2021/02/14.)  

* "Asymmetry of Customer Loss and Recovery under Endogenous Partnerships: Theory and Evidence" (joint with Henrich R. Greve, INSEAD, and Stefan Jonsson, Uppsala University) International Economic Review, 2016, 57(1), 3-30.    (Extended version pdf file.)

*"Efficiency may Improve when Defectors Exist" (joint with Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, Musashino University, and Nobue Suzuki, Komazawa University)  Economic Theory, 2015, 60(3), 423-460.