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NDJAMENA, 26 October (IRIN) - Therehave been at least a dozen attacks by rebels opposed to Chad's presidentand skirmishes with the Chadian army in the last 12 months. After brieflyoccupying the southeastern Chadian towns Am Timan and Goz Beida this week,the rebels again melted away into the desert on Wednesday, according toa Chadian government spokesman.

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The closest the rebels have come to seizingcontrol of the country was in April. One month before presidential elections,columns of fighters swept across the country in less than a week and broughttheir fight to the capital's doorstep. Around 200 fighters and civilianswere killed in one day of fighting in an N'djamena suburb, the InternationalCommittee for the Red Cross said.

Chad's President Idriss Deby is no strangerto attacks. A former colonel in Chad's army, in 1989 he formed his ownrebel movement in Sudan, with the backing of Khartoum. Said by analyststo be a master strategist, in 1990 he swept back into Chad and seized controlof the vast, semi-desert country with barely a shot fired.

Deby convened and won elections in 1996and 2001, but has battled waves of discontent from his own military throughouthis rule. Infighting between ethnic groups, and irritation over the president'sfailure to support rebels fighting his former backers in Khartoum, havefuelled the dissent, analysts say.

The rebellion picked up steam in June2004 when Deby won a referendum letting him doctor the constitutional two-termpresidential limit. Waves of defections from the army in 2005 bolstereda Chadian rebel movement in neighbouring Sudan estimated at the time tobe about 3,000 strong.

In interviews with journalists, rebelspokespeople rarely express goals except kicking Deby out, but the politicalwings of the rebel groups have still cooked up an alphabet soup of acronymsas they chop and change their groups' names and try to reconcile theirpolitical and military interests.

Rebel leaders are cagey about their strengthor backing, making definitive figures hard to come by. Deby has accusedKhartoum of providing the rebels with direct support. Khartoum has deniedthe accusation, and accused Chad of being sympathetic to rebel groups opposedto it.

Diplomats say it is the uncertainty abouthow a divided rebellion would unite and then govern the vast and extremelypoor country that borders Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Sudan,and Niger that makes the rebels a threat to regional peace.

- Rebels captured Goz Beida, a majoraid agency hub 60 km from the Sudan border. No-one was harmed and the rebelsmoved on to Am Timan, before melting away into the desert, according toChadian government.

- Rebels with the United Front for DemocraticChange (FUC), a coalition of 13 rebel groups, make a westward sprint acrossthe country from Sudan and Central African Republic, briefly seizing thetowns Goz Beida, Am Timan and Mongo before launching an attack on N'djamenaless than a week after first crossing into Chad. Fighting in an N'djamenasuburb left around 200 combatants and civilians dead, according to theInternational Committee of the Red Cross. Rebels repelled after Frenchfighter jets fired warning shots near advancing columns.

The clearest way to express rebellion in the Church was by smoking. Alcohol use was a close second. These behaviors essentially signaled to other members that you no longer wished to be considered an Adventist. Many of the rest of the rules could be breached in ways that conveyed individuality without showing an unacceptable level of open defiance. In those halcyon days of communal naivete, one could retain membership, though draw a great deal of criticism, by wearing earrings, or short skirts, or Beatle-length hair, or by swimming on Sabbath, or publicly drinking a CokeTM or going to see something like The Sound of Music in a movie theater.

Over time, the level of rebelliousness attributed to various questionable behaviors waxed and waned. In college, the stigma of movie-going had become rather pass, but the length of my hair was of very great concern. Also, the attitudes and guidelines around sexual behaviors took on a much greater emphasis.

Heresy takes more work than rebellion. It begins with a skeptical attitude of doubt, but it requires a fairly in-depth understanding of doctrine to achieve. For Adventists, the most common source of heresy is uncertainty surrounding inspiration. While several pastors have told me one does not need to believe in the inspired writings of Ellen G. White to be a good Adventist, her pronouncements are so intertwined in our basic beliefs and doctrines that it is a very difficult position to balance successfully. It has been my experience that most members who lose faith in the inspiration of Ellen G. White eventually see little reason to remain in the denomination.

While our theology must account for both mercy and judgment, we do not worship a two-faced God. Fear is used to manipulate and control. Love casts out fear. Skep- tic, rebel, and heretic that I am, count me in the group that believes in unconditional love, even in judgment.

reported that Humphrey Marshall commanded the rebels, I also detailed Company A, Twenty-eighth, and Company A, thirty-fourth, Lieutenant H. C. Hatfield, under command of Captain e. Schache, Twenty-eighth Ohio Regiment, to cross East Mountain on bridle-pats and to examine the roads along Wolf Creek. I also detailed Company C, Captain miller, Thirty-fourth Regiment, to examine a road running east opposite my present position; the whole provided with two days' rations and with written instructions to the commanders. At 1.30 o'clock p. m. the three detachments left camp. I, with the main force, marched 11 miles toward Rocky Gap. As it grew dark I turned over the command to Major Bohlender, Lieutenant-Colonel Blessingh being in the rear, and directed them to bivouac there without fire, rebel pickets being reported to be within a mile at a farm-house. Not feeling justified to stay away overnight from the brigade, I returned with the artillery to Frenchville. At 6 o'clock this morning the detachment under Captain Schache return with 6 prisoners, 8 Mississippi rifles, 5 Enfield rifles, 1 Harper's Ferry rifle, 3 common rifles, 2 muskets, 5 sabers, and 6 horses. The prisoners and list of names I send to you, under escort of Lieutenant McNally, Second Virginia Cavalry. The arms I stored for the present with Mr. Bogen, at Frenchville.

Please find Captain Schache's report inclosed.* Company C, Thirty-fourth Regiment, returned last night. Captain Miller reported Union people on that road dreading rebel scouts from the mountains south of them. The road comes out on East River again about 2 1/2 miles from here. I have it guarded now.

SIR: on the afternoon of the 15th instant I marched with four companies of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, A, H, C, and F; four companies of the Twenty-eighth Regiment, under command of Major Boehlaener; two pieces of artillery, and one company of cavalry from Frenchville up the East River, following the East?River road. Colonel moor accompanied the column for 7 miles; then return with the cavalry and artillery, leaving me in command, with instructions to discover the strength of the enemy on the Rocky Gap road and on Cross-Road, and his movements. I marched 1 mile farther and bivouacked, on the rad for the night. On the morning of the 16th the command, after marching 6 miles, reached Cross-Roads. Here I heard that the road to Rocky Gap was occupied by 1,500 rebels, and that they intended to intrench themselves near Rocky Gap. At the same time a report was current that General Marshall was on his way from Jeffersonville with 2,500 men.

Let's talk next about the war in Syria. The evacuation of eastern Aleppo continued overnight after a chaotic weekend. UNICEF, the United Nations agency, says that 47 children were evacuated from an orphanage in the rebel-held section of the city. NPR's Alison Meuse reports from Beirut.

ALISON MEUSE, BYLINE: After days of rocky attempts, evacuations from eastern Aleppo have resumed. Activist footage published after midnight Sunday purports to show a group arriving to the rebel-held countryside.

The media office for Assad's Iranian-backed ally, Hezbollah, told NPR the group was pushing to secure a similar evacuation from two Shiite villages which are besieged by Sunni rebels. A video published on Friday purports to show the scene in Aleppo as evacuees realize their departure is being blocked.

The rebels had already lost the battle for Aleppo. But their siege of two Shiite villages still gives them leverage. Soon, negotiations were back on and a new deal was struck. On Sunday, buses set off through rebel-held territory to reach those villages. But this time, it was allies of the rebel side that blocked an evacuation.

MEUSE: A video from rebel-held territory it shows the fate of the convoy. The buses are ablaze. A bearded man gives a frenzied speech to a group of militants, cursing the Shiite villagers and vowing none of them will pass.

On social media, activists who'd been lobbying for the evacuation of Aleppo blamed al-Qaida for sabotaging the deal and killing a bus driver. Back in Aleppo, residents besieged by regime forces called on the rebels to secure the evacuation route for the Shiite villages and allow it to proceed.

In an open lot on the Dhubat al-Saff military base, a group of Libyan rebel recruits gathers around an instructor demonstrating how to fire a Russian-made ZU-23-2 quad-barrel antiaircraft gun. At the far edge of the same lot, another trainer shows his students how to calibrate a mortar. But while the camp's instructors explain the technical specifications of their assorted weapons, Jerry Erwin of Vancouver, Wash., is teaching the recruits how to survive on the battlefield. "One, two, three, down!" the beefy soldier shouts, prompting his students to drop on their elbows. As they do, he slowly moves between them, demonstrating how to fall while still holding their rifles in a shooting position. be457b7860

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