Taeyeoun Kim
LG Uplus Advanced Access Technology Research Team, Specialist (NW access선행기술팀 선임)
Research interest: Satellite network virtualization and applying reinforcement learning for the mega-constellated satellite networks for integrated 6G network
Ph. D. & M.S. integrated course in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
Mar. 2019 - Feb. 2024
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), Daegu, Korea
Combined Undergraduate-Graduate Program (학석박 통합, 학위연계과정)
Supervisor: Jihwan Choi (@KAIST, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering) and Jeongho Kwak
B. S. in School of Undergraduate Studies (the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering)
Mar. 2015 - Feb. 2019
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), Daegu, Korea
DGIST AMBASSADOR (2015 - 2018)
8/2022 - 2/2024, Ph. D. visiting student @ KAIST ACAI Lab (KAIST 방문 학생 연구원)
2023 National Public Service Exam for Grade 5 Technical Positions Satellite Communications Engineering subject Reassessment Agent (2023년도 국가공무원 5급[기술] 공채 제2차시험 위성 통신 공학 과목 재검토요원)
Summer session in U.C. Berkeley (2015)
Professional Service Activities
Reviewer for journals including:
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC)
IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ)
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE)
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (OJCOMS)
Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (JKICS)
Reviewer for conferences including:
IEEE GLOBECOM 2023 (Global Communications Conference)
IEEE WiOpt 2023 (International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks)
IEEE CCNC 2023 (Consumer Communications & Networking Conference)
Invited Talk / Presentation
[2024.09.27] 한국통신학회 6G 위성통신 최신기술 워크숍, "6G 네트워크 비전과 위성 기술의 진화 방향"
[2024.07.16] 6G Satellite Communication Conference 2024, SatComFourm, "Telecommunications Operators' Perspectives on 6G Satellite Communication Technology " (위성통신포럼 주최 6G 위성통신 컨퍼런스 2024, "통신사업자가 바라보는 6G 위성통신 기술")
Awards / Scholarship
3/2021 - 2/2024, LG Uplus Ph. D. industrial scholarship student (LG 유플러스 박사과정 산학장학생)
JC-SAT Best Awards, Joint Conference on Satellite communications, IEICE, KOSST, Oct. 2019
3/2015 - 2/2024, National Scholarship at DGIST