Reflecting on the milestones achieved at Tadika Twinkle Star fills our hearts with joy and pride as we witness the tangible outcomes of our collective efforts in fostering the growth and development of our children. We have diligently embraced and embodied our school values of leadership, enthusiasm, achievement, resilience, and nurture, successfully shaping the personalities of our young learners. This newsletter aims to provide a glimpse into how our dedicated teachers, supportive parents, and the entire school community have contributed to realizing our school's vision, mission, and values.

Leadership: At Tadika Twinkle Star, we envision our children as confident and responsible learners who readily express their thoughts and take on entrusted responsibilities. To cultivate these qualities, leadership roles are assigned to students based on their class rolls, offering each child the opportunity to serve as a class monitor and assist the teacher.

Enthusiasm: Our students are enthusiastic learners, engaging in a dynamic and captivating learning environment. Teachers employ various teaching aids and leverage technology to enhance children's thinking skills. Through hands-on activities both within and beyond the classroom, our students comprehend and retain concepts effectively.

     Achievement: This year marked several significant events and achievements:

Resilience: At Tadika Twinkle Star, we recognize the uniqueness of each child and tailor our teaching techniques to accommodate diverse learning styles. Regular teacher training sessions ensure our educators are well-informed about the latest academic research, fostering an environment of resilience and adaptability.

Nurture: As educators, we are attuned to the social, emotional, and cognitive development needs of our children. We cultivate an environment where children are appreciated, displaying compassion, environmental awareness, and a sense of pride in their Malaysian identity while upholding the rich culture of Malaysia.

Parents as Partners: We place great emphasis on a strong partnership with parents, keeping them informed about their children's progress through formal meetings, social media updates, and direct one-on-one communication. We express our gratitude to parents for their unwavering support and trust in our well-structured academic program, preparing children for their primary education.

Governance: The first meeting of our Governance Committee took place on October 26 2023, bringing together parent and staff representatives. Notably, the meeting saw virtual participation from General Manager Academics Dr. Tim and Strategic Manager Mr. Aleem based in Dubai. The primary agenda centered around school improvement initiatives.

During the session, there was a comprehensive discussion on school improvement strategies, with a particular emphasis on incorporating valuable feedback and suggestions from parents. The active involvement of attendees, both on-site and virtually, facilitated a robust exchange of ideas.

We express gratitude to all participants for their commitment to fostering a culture of excellence within our educational community. Moving forward, the Governance Committee remains dedicated to serving as a vital platform for constructive dialogue, ensuring that diverse perspectives contribute to our school's continuous progress.

Upcoming Attractions: Anticipation is building as Tadika Twinkle Star prepares to host its Annual Concert and Graduation Ceremony on January 13, 2024. We eagerly look forward to this grand event to bid farewell to nearly 300 graduating students.

Happy New Year: With a commitment to making the upcoming academic session even more enriching, we extend our warmest wishes for a happy and productive New Year to our parents, children, teachers, and the entire community.