Tarjei Widding-Havneraas
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oslo

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Research on Equality in Education and Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo, and affiliated with the EQOP-project. Currently visiting scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Research interest statement

I am a epidemiologist and sociologist. Broadly, my research centers on the role of childhood conditions and social origins for outcomes related to health, education, and the labor market. Moreover, I am interested in interventions for improving opportunities and well-being. Methodologically, I focus on methods for causal inference combined with administrative data, genotyped data, and survey data.  


I hold a PhD in Epidemiology, MPhil in Sociology, and BA in Economics from the University of Bergen, and have been a visiting scholar at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Here you can find links to Google Scholar, my CV, and Twitter/X.

Peer-reviewed publications

(11) Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Felix Elwert, Simen Markussen, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Ingvild Lyhmann, Ashmita Chaulagain, Ingvar Bjelland, Anne Halmøy, Knut Rypdal, Arnstein Mykletun. Effect of ADHD medication on risk of injuries: a preference-based instrumental variable analysis. 2023. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

(10) Ashmita Chaulagain, Ingvild Lyhmann, Anne Halmøy, Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Olav Nyttingnes, Ingvar Bjelland, Arnstein Mykletun. A systematic meta-review of systematic reviews on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 2023. European Psychiatry. 

(9) Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Simen Markussen, Felix Elwert, Ingvild Lyhmann, Ashmita Chaulagain, Anne Halmøy, Ingvar Bjelland, Knut Rypdal, Arnstein Mykletun. Effect of Pharmacological Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on Criminality. 2023. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Editorial: Mark A. Stein, Margaret H. Sibley, Jeffrey H. Newcorn. Editorial: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Stimulant Medication, and Criminality: Commentary and Caution. 2023. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

(8) Ingvild Lyhmann, Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Ingvar Bjelland, Ashmita Chaulagain, Arnstein Mykletun, Anne Halmøy. Variation in attitudes toward diagnosis and medication of ADHD: a survey among clinicians in the Norwegian child and adolescent mental health services. 2022. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

(7) Tarjei Widding-Havneraas & Henrik Daae Zachrisson. A Gentle Introduction to Instrumental Variables. 2022. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

(6) Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Simen Markussen, Felix Elwert, Ingvild Lyhmann, Ingvar Bjelland, Anne Halmøy, Ashmita Chaulagain, Eivind Ystrøm, Arnstein Mykletun, Henrik Daae Zachrisson. Geographical variation in ADHD: do diagnoses reflect symptom levels? 2022. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

(5) Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Ashmita Chaulagain, Ingvild Lyhmann, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Felix Elwert, Simen Markussen, David McDaid, Arnstein Mykletun. Preference-based instrumental variables in health research rely on important and underreported assumptions: a systematic review. 2021. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

(4) Arnstein Mykletun, Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Ashmita Chaulagain, Ingvild Lyhmann, Ingvar Bjelland, Anne Halmøy, Felix Elwert, Peter Butterworth, Simen Markussen, Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Knut Rypdal. Causal modeling of variation in clinical practice and long-term outcomes of ADHD using Norwegian registry data: the ADHD controversy project. 2021. BMJ Open.

(3) Tarjei Widding-Havneraas & Siri Hansen Pedersen. The role of welfare regimes in the relationship between childhood economic stress and adult health: a multilevel study of 20 European countries. 2020. SSM - Population Health

(2) Beate Brinchmann, Tarjei Widding-Havneraas, Matthew Modini, Miles Rinaldi, Cathrine F. Moe, A-La Park, Eoin Killackey, Samuel B. Harvey, Arnstein Mykletun. A meta-regression of the impact of policy on the efficacy of Individual Placement and Support. 2019. Acta Scandinavica Psychiatrica.

(1) Tarjei Widding-Havneraas. Young adults not in employment, education or training: a register-based study, 1993–2009. 2016. Norwegian Journal of Working Life Studies. 

Effect of ADHD Medication on Criminality and Injuries
Quasi-Experimental Evidence for Patients on the Margin of Treatment

My PhD examined the effects of ADHD medication on criminality and injuries using preference-based instrumental variables and the extent to which ADHD symptoms, diagnosis, and medication vary geographically. The PhD is available to read and download here, and a Norwegian press release summary can be read here.

Other publications

