We hope you enjoy using the Synopsys Detect GitHub Action. We welcome feedback, so let us know what you think at partner-solutions@synopsys.com, or open a pull request in the Black Duck GitHub Action repository.

The Synopsys Detect plugin for Azure DevOps (formerly known as Hub Detect) supports Software Composition Analysis (SCA: open source software detection). It is architected to seamlessly integrate Synopsys Detect with Azure DevOps build and release pipelines. Synopsys Detect makes it easier to set up and scan code bases using a variety of languages and package managers across different application security techniques.

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I have the task to find out how blackduck works and how it can be used to scan Maven-based Java projects. From what I found out so far, the best way is to use Synopsys detect for that. Therefore, I created an application.properties file and tried to scan a Maven-based project. The problem is, that it does not do anything. What am I missing?

Well, after many trials and errors I found out that I misunderstood the detect.test.connection=true parameter. Instead of just testing the connection to blackduck prior to the scan (which was my understanding), it sets detect to a sort of dryrun so that it does not execute and detectors etc. So omitting the parameter solved my issue.

A list of environment variables which can be set to prepare the environment to run a BlackDuck scan. This includes a list of environment variables defined by Synopsys. The full list can be found here This list affects the detect script downloaded while running the scan. Right now only detect7.sh is available for downloading

The package managers that need to be excluded for this scan. Providing the package manager names with this parameter will ensure that the build descriptor file of that package manager will be ignored in the scan folder For the complete list of possible values for this parameter, please refer Synopsys detect documentation

A list of policies can be provided which will be applied after the scan is completed. These policies if violated will mark the build/scan result as failed.The list of accepted values can be found at Synopsys detect documentation

The package managers that need to be included for this scan. Providing the package manager names with this parameter will ensure that the build descriptor file of that package manager will be searched in the scan folder For the complete list of possible values for this parameter, please refer Synopsys detect documentation

If enabled, it will install all artifacts to the local maven repository to make them available before running detect. This is required if any maven module has dependencies to other modules in the repository and they were not installed before.

This flag determines if the scan is submitted to the server. If set to true, then the scan request is submitted to the server only when changes are detected in the Open Source Bill of Materials If the flag is set to false, then the scan request is submitted to server regardless of any changes. For more details please refer to the documentation

If you have configured your orchestrator to detect pull requests, then the detecExecuationScan step in the Piper pipeline can recognize this and change the Black Duck scan mode from 'FULL' to 'RAPID'. This does not affect the usual branch scans.

Specify all the required parameters for the detectExecution step in .pipeline/config.yml Optionally you can specify githubApi and githubToken in the detectExecution step to get the result in the pull request comment. For example:

Detect Wizard allows predefined Detect scan parameters to be defined as environment variables which will be passed straight to Synopsys Detect. An existing .yml project configuration file will be backed up and will not be used by Detect Wizard or in creating the new .yml file. Detect Wizard will check the prerequisites to run Synopsys Detect (including the correct version of Java) and then scan the project location for files and archives, calculate the total scan size, check for project (package manager) files and package managers themselves and will also detect large duplicate files and folders.

Selecting 'l' or 'b' will add the local copyright and license search options (detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.copyright.search and detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.license.search) to scans, in addition to using snippet scanning if the sensitivity level is set to 5.

Note that the Archives(exc. Jars) row covers all archive file types but that only .zip files are extracted by detect_advisor (whereas Synopsys Detectextracts other types of archives automatically). The final 3 Inside Archives columns indicate items found within .zip archives for the different types(except for the Jar row which references .jar/.ear/.war files). The Inside Archives columns for the Archives row itself reports archive files within .zips(or nested deeper - zips within zips within zips etc.).

Synopsys Software Integrity Group provides integrated solutions that transform the way development teams build and deliver software, accelerating innovation while addressing business risk. Our industry-leading portfolio of software security products and services is the most comprehensive in the world and interoperates with third-party and open source tools, allowing organizations to leverage existing investments to build the security program that's best for them. Only Synopsys offers everything you need to build trust in your software. Learn more at www.synopsys.com/software. ff782bc1db

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