ARF Tryout


This tryout was made by Shrimp using some portions from the original tryout made by Elijah, Orc, and Abraham.

Only ARFO+ should host ARF Tryouts. To begin an ARF tryout, find a suitable trooper within the 501st, and see if they would be interested in joining ARF. Any 501st rank may join. Either asking troopers that are not in a specialization in-game or finding troopers that are marked as interested in ARF on roster are suitable options to find new recruits.

Once you have a trainee, take them somewhere private (usually bunks), and inform them of the following:

Welcome to the 501st ARF Tryouts. This tryout will gauge your skill as a potential ARF trooper, both in knowledge, situational awareness, and Recon & combat ability. This tryout runs on a 2-strike system, and if you fail, there is no cooldown to try out again.


Background Questions

To ensure troopers have the rules for ARF, and to test their comprehension of what ARF does, supply your trooper with the link to the main page of the manual: 

Tell them they are only required to read the ARF Homepage at this time, but they must know and follow the other information.

After they are done reading, ask them the following questions:

Close answers are counted as correct. Incorrect answers are one strike.

Why do you want to join ARF? Answer: Trainer Discretion

What do ARF troopers do? Answer: ARF Troopers perform reconnaissance mission to gain intel on enemy movements and fortifications. They also perform assassinations on enemy targets from long ranges. 

What is the primary vehicle of an ARF trooper? Answer: ARF Troopers primarily used AT-RTs. Saying BARC is also acceptable. 

Situational Questions

The following questions are scenario-based and help to determine how the recruit would handle certain scenarios & follow ARF rules. Read the scenario to the recruit and ask them what they would do. Pick three of the following. If the trainee's answer is logical but doesn't match the written answer, it is the trainer's discretion.

You have been tasked with recon of an enemy post by your Commander. Rex told you to not let the enemy know we are present. As you are doing your scouting, you notice a CIS Tactical Droid, and have a clear shot on it. What do you do? Answer: Comms in that info and see if your orders can be adjusted. If not, do NOT fire on it and continue your objective.

You are tasked with finding important, extremely time-sensitive, information on a heavily guarded CIS base. You are in command of 5 other ARF troopers and you split up to cover more ground. At some point the other group is seen and is met with heavy fire. Do you save time by going straight to gather the intel, or spend time to save your brothers? Answer: Host Discretion.

There is a heavily guarded CIS base at the top of a mountain. How do you go about doing recon on the base? Answer: Host Discretion.

You have acquired valuable information while doing recon and were followed by CIS forces on your return to the FOB. Rex orders the forces surrounding you to stop and help suppress the CIS. Do you stop to fight or continue to the FOB to relay the information? Answer: Continue to the FOB.

You have been tasked with the assassination of a CIS Tactical Droid at a CIS base. As you approach, you notice much more fortified enemy resistance than our intel suggested. Describe what types of information about the base you would collect, and what you would do to assassinate the droid and escape? Answer: Numbers of droids, artillery, etc. Assassination strategy is host discretion.


This final part of the tryout is the final determinant on if the recruit will pass or not. The trooper will prove their merit by fighting live droids at Endor (or another planet if Endor is taken, if so, adjust accordingly).


Setup 50 droids (30 if one person) all around the village in Endor and set up an AAT hiding somewhere in the village, make sure the troopers have the ARF whitelist before they begin so they get access to the full ARF arsenal.


"We’ve picked up a scan of a small droid forward attack force encroaching on one of our reconnaissance platforms, the 501st is spread thin on endor and your team’s made up of the only forces we have left to allocate on this assignment. Your mission is to conduct a recon of the village and come up with a plan to infiltrate it, hurry up we don’t have enough time!"


The trooper(s) will go up on either side of the ridge on the sides of Besh and scout out the droids near the village at Endor (listen for good communication and callouts) After they have completed the recon, call them back to the FOB at Besh so they can begin the infiltration.


The trooper(s) will begin at the Gate separating Besh from the rest of the planet. (if more than 1 you may inform them that one can go on the ridge to provide sniper support). They will make their way through the planet until finally clearing out all of the village. Once they have finished call them back to the FOB and make your decision whether they pass or not.

Simulation (Alternative)

This is an alternative location if Endor is taken.


Setup 30-50 (dependent on number of trainees) droids of varying types at Umbara; keep the number of each type of droid secret from the trainee. Also hide an AAT hiding somewhere as well as a hackable server. Make sure the troopers have the ARF whitelist before they begin so they get access to the full ARF arsenal.


"We’ve stopped receiving transmissions from our base on Umbara, and believe that the CIS has overtaken our position. It is your job to go there and determine the numbers of enemy forces present. Try to keep an accurate track on their numbers without being caught, after you have an estimate, return to me and we will assault the base together. Update me as you find things of note."


The trooper(s) will go out to Umbara stealthily and try to count up the number of droids of each type. After they have their estimate call them back to you. If they found the server, get staff to give them a datapad so they can hack it during the infiltration.


The trooper(s) will begin the point at which you hyperspace into Umbara. They will clear the base and planet, and hopefully find the hackable databae. You may assist them if needed. Once they have cleared the base, regroup with them at the base at Umbara, and make your decision on if they passed or not.

End of Tryout

At this point, the trooper will have either passed or failed the tryout. If they failed, take away their ARF whitelist. 

If passed, do the following:

Have trooper change name to format: 501st ARF [Rank] [Name]

Send a message in #regiment-changes to get them on roster.

Get them to request their ARF tags in Discord.