7th of June to 2nd of July (2021)

Dynamical Systems in

Triangulated Categories and Surfaces

Supported by MATRIX and AMSI

An online symposium for graduate student on the exciting field of categorical dynamics

The symposium is 4 weeks long, starting from the 7th of June till the 2nd of July.

Each week will having a maximum of 4 hours of (virtual) contact hours.

Week 1

Learning week.Introduction to triangulated categories, t-structures and stability conditions

Week 2 and 3

(Gradually) advanced talks by speakers

Week 4

Collaboration week

The goal:

To connect students from different mathematical background, and learn about the beautiful intersection of (triangulated) category theory and the theory of surfaces.

Motivated by the notion of entropy for continuous morphisms in a topological dynamical system, one can similarly define the notion of categorical entropy for endofunctors in triangulated categories. Computing entropy of a given endofunctor can be quite complicated – even in topology, many papers were devoted to introduce different methods of computing entropies for specific morphisms. In many recent works, it was shown that various topological notions have well defined analogies in homological algebra. Guided by these analogies, one can hope to develop methods to compute categorical entropy by emulating methods developed in topology. This symposium aims to gather students from these two seemingly different fields to learn the ideas from topology and translate them into ideas in homological algebra.

The Speakers

This event will be held through Zoom

Please register to receive the Zoom link

Please note that this will be an all inclusive, supportive symposium, and any form of discrimination will not be tolerated. We endorse this statement of inclusiveness:

We are a group of scholars, researchers, and teachers. We refuse to compromise the ideals of academic freedom and open exchange. We affirm that scientific events have to be open to everybody, regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, pregnancy, immigration status, or any other aspect of identity. We believe that such events have to be supportive, inclusive, and safe environments for all participants. We believe that all participants are to be treated with dignity and respect. Discrimination and harassment cannot be tolerated. We are committed to ensuring that the scientific events in which we participate follow these principles, and we request that organizers of scientific events make explicit statements on the event website to that effect.

We hope to see you (virtually)!

Registration closes 11.59pm (GMT+10), 6th of June.

Please contact cat.dynamics2021@gmail.com if you wish to register past this date.