If you install this component outside of a Symfony application, you mustrequire the vendor/autoload.php file in your code to enable the classautoloading mechanism provided by Composer. Readthis article for more details.

This article explains how to use the HttpFoundation features as anindependent component in any PHP application. In Symfony applicationseverything is already configured and ready to use. Read the Controllerarticle to learn about how to use these features when creating controllers.

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When PHP imports the request query, it handles request parameters likefoo[bar]=baz in a special way as it creates an array. The get() methoddoesn't support returning arrays, so you need to use the following code:

Thanks to the public attributes property, you can store additional datain the request, which is also an instance ofParameterBag. This is mostly usedto attach information that belongs to the Request and that needs to beaccessed from many different points in your application.

The create() methodcreates a request based on a URI, a method and some parameters (thequery parameters or the request ones depending on the HTTP method); and ofcourse, you can also override all other variables as well (by default, Symfonycreates sensible defaults for all the PHP global variables).

If you have a session attached to the request, you can access it via thegetSession() method of the Requestor RequestStack class;the hasPreviousSession()method tells you if the request contains a session which was started in one ofthe previous requests.

Processing HTTP headers is not a trivial task because of the escaping and whitespace handling of their contents. Symfony provides aHeaderUtils class that abstractsthis complexity and defines some methods for the most common tasks:

An increasingly common need for applications to comply with user protectionregulations is to anonymize IP addresses before logging and storing them foranalysis purposes. Use the anonymize() method from theIpUtils to do that:

The Request class should not be overridden as it is a data object thatrepresents an HTTP message. But when moving from a legacy system, addingmethods or changing some default behavior might help. In that case, register aPHP callable that is able to create an instance of your Request class:

A Response object holds all theinformation that needs to be sent back to the client from a given request. Theconstructor takes up to three arguments: the response content, the statuscode, and an array of HTTP headers:

The send() method takes an optional flush argument. If set tofalse, functions like fastcgi_finish_request() orlitespeed_finish_request() are not called. This is useful when debuggingyour application to see which exceptions are thrown in listeners of theTerminateEvent. You can learnmore about it inthe dedicated section about Kernel events.

In addition to the Cookie::create() method, you can create a Cookieobject from a raw header value using fromString()method. You can also use the with*() methods to change some Cookie property (orto build the entire Cookie using a fluent interface). Each with*() method returnsa new object with the modified property:

Additionally, PHP isn't the only layer that can buffer output. Your webserver might also buffer based on its configuration. Some servers, such asnginx, let you disable buffering at the config level or by adding a special HTTPheader in the response:

The class constructor expects an array which represents the JSON structure andincludes the list of contents to stream. In addition to PHP generators, which arerecommended to minimize memory usage, it also supports any kind of PHP Traversablecontaining JSON serializable data:

When sending a file, you must add a Content-Disposition header to yourresponse. While creating this header for basic file downloads is straightforward,using non-ASCII filenames is more involved. ThemakeDisposition()abstracts the hard work behind a simple API:

The BinaryFileResponse will automatically handle Range andIf-Range headers from the request. It also supports X-Sendfile(see for nginx and Apache). To make use of it, you need to determinewhether or not the X-Sendfile-Type header should be trusted and calltrustXSendfileTypeHeader()if it should:

If the size of the served file is unknown (e.g. because it's being generated on the fly,or because a PHP stream filter is registered on it, etc.), you can pass a Streaminstance to BinaryFileResponse. This will disable Range and Content-Lengthhandling, switching to chunked encoding instead:

If you just created the file during this same request, the file may be sentwithout any content. This may be due to cached file stats that return zero forthe size of the file. To fix this issue, call clearstatcache(true, $file)with the path to the binary file.

To avoid XSSI JSON Hijacking, you should pass an associative arrayas the outermost array to JsonResponse and not an indexed array sothat the final result is an object (e.g. {"object": "not inside an array"})instead of an array (e.g. [{"object": "inside an array"}]). Readthe OWASP guidelines for more information.

Some web sites have a "safe" mode to assist those who don't want to be exposedto content to which they might object. The RFC 8674 specification defines away for user agents to ask for safe content to a server.

The specification does not define what content might be considered objectionable,so the concept of "safe" is not precisely defined. Rather, the term is interpretedby the server and within the scope of each web site that chooses to act upon this information.

I created a custom module with a page controller that returns a Symfony response (Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response). The thing is I don't want to render my custom theme in this controller, just the theme_base template in this module.

The request is handled by the example.com webserver. It does not handle the request as a static image but it executes some logic. It checks the id parameter and uses it to determine which email has triggered the request. Then it marks that email as opened in its own database for future reports. The mail client is still waiting for an answer and it expects an image. So the webserver generates on the fly the most small image possible: a 1x1 transparent image!

The logic is very simple here. We have hardcoded the content of a 1x1 transparent gif image using a base64 encoded string. We use this string to set the content of the response object. We also set some cache headers to mark the response as not cacheable.

Here the logic is pretty simple too. We created a controller with a trackEmail action. The action has been assigned to the route /track.gif using the Route annotation (if you prefer you can do it also by using the yaml or the xml convention). Within this action we just read the parameter id from the request and used it to execute the persistence logic to retrive the email record and mark it as opened (skipped in the example). Then we just have to return a new instance of our TransparentPixelResponse class.

Lumbendil also pointed out that this solution is not the only one possible. You can also rely on some messaging/queue system such as RabbitMq, Gearman or Beanstalkd. These are great tools but they add new dependencies and a whole new layer of complexity to the web infrastructure, so I will suggest to use one of them only if your logic is very complex or heavy (or if you are designing you whole infrastructure from scratch to leverage a work queue system).

UPDATE 2014-06-17: Jelte Steijaert reported that using email authentication systems such as DKIM or SPF will increase chances for images to get autoloaded by email clients. This authentication methods are also very useful to save your emails from ending up into the spam folder, so they are very recommended!

I have struggled many times with providing an answer to the following seemingly easy question: what if I want to wait until just before the controller gets called, then do some checks and prevent the user from executing the current controller, and instead, render an entirely different response. How should I proceed? At first thought, using option two would be good. But not really:

Option 3 would also be a bad option, since changing the response would be too late: the controller is already executed, so all heavy-weight processes have finished. It does not make sense to completely change the response this late in the process.

More drastic would be to choose option 1: listen to every request and return a custom response when needed. In some cases this could be just fine (though a bit "too much" I think), but in some other cases (the ones I am thinking of) setting the response as a reaction to the kernel.request event is too early. We need everything to be in place, before running our controller-specific checks. This way all the possible execution paths have been narrowed down to just one: we know what action the user wishes to do and we are assured he has the rights to do so, based on authentication and authorization.

The inspiration for the solution I found came from learning about the way the Security Component redirects users. It throws an exception, which will be caught by the default exception handler, which dispatches a kernel.exception event. Each listener is allowed to set a response. For instance a RedirectResponse to redirect the user to the login page. But in fact, exception handlers could return any response they want:

Since most of the times preventing the user from executing a controller, would be something of an exception (the normal workflow being simply the unhindered execution of the controller) it does make sense to use the "throw exception-set response" workflow in these kind of situations. This means: we should have a controller listener, listening to the kernel.controller event, which does some "just-in-time" checks to verify that the user is allowed to execute the controller. When he is not, the listener should throw a specific type of exception, something like a ControllerNotAvailableException. By extending the exception we could give it all kinds of attributes for later reference, but the exception message itself could also simply describe why the controller was not available for the user. 152ee80cbc

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