Ongoing Projects
Pre5GNR: Design and Implement Multiuser 3GPP 5G New Radio Precoding and Dynamic Beam Management for NGSO Systems, FNR.
PASSIONATE: Physics-based wireless AI providing scalability and efficiency, CHIST-ERA.
MAGINet : Geospatial Information Networking Techniques for Maritime Awareness Services, ESA.
5GLEON: Radio Positioning Technologies for 5G Satellite Networks, ESA.
SOVEREIGN: Distributed ledger technologies and user-driven automation towards self-SOVEREIGN mobile data access in B5G networks, MCSA SE.
TANNDEM: Demodulator Supported by Artificial Intelligence Networks, ESA.
ELIXIRION: Realizing Healthcare 4.0 exploiting the 6G health evolution, MSCA DTN.
ETHER: sElf-evolving terrestrial/non-Terrestrial Hybrid nEtwoRks, HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-03.
TERRAMETA: TERahertz ReconfigurAble METAsurfaces for ultra-high rate wireless communications, HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-02.
AVATAR: Transformative Digital Air Vehicle with IoT Sensors for Safer Urban Skies, HORIZON-CL5-2022-D5-01-13.
Lux4QCI: Luxembourg Experimental Network for Quantum Communication Infrastructure, DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01-DEPLOY-NATIONAL.
NGSO-Sense: Prototype for measuring NGSO satellite network interference and RF characteristics, ESA.
TRANTOR: 5G+ evoluTion to mutioRbitAl multibaNd neTwORks, HORIZON-CL4-2021-SPACE-01.
TALON: Autonomous and Self-organized Artificial Intelligent Orchestrator for a Greener Industry 4.0, HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01.
ARMMONY: Ground-Based Distributed Beamforming Harmonization For The Integration Of Satellite And Terrestrial Networks, FNR.
SmartSpace: Leveraging AI to Empower the Next Generation of Satellite Communications, FNR.
PROSPECT: High data rate, adaptive, internetworked proximity communications for Space project, ESA.
LUQCIA: Luxembourg Quantum Communication Infrastructure Laboratory, SMC, Luxembourg.
SYMBOL: VHTS SYstem EMulator Based on Functional MOdeLling of the System, ESA.
DIVERSITY: User Terminal With Path Diversity For Constellations, ESA.
SPAICE: Satellite Signal Processing Techniques using a Commercial Off-the-shelf AI Chipset, ESA.
EGERTON: Efficient Digital Beamforming Techniques for On-board Digital Processors, ESA.
MEGALEO: Self-Organized Lower Earth Orbit Mega-Constellations, FNR.
RISOTTI: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Smart Cities, FNR.
CGD: Prototype of a Centralized Broadband Gateway for Precoded Multi-beam Networks, ESA.
INSTRUCT: INtegrated Satellite – TeRrestrial Systems for Ubiquitous Beyond 5G CommunicaTions, FNR IPBG.
5G-Sky: Interconnecting the Sky in 5G and Beyond – A Joint Communication and Control Approach, FNR.
ASWELL: AutonomouS NetWork Slicing for IntEgrated SateLlite-TerrestriaL Transport Networks, FNR.
LiveSatPreDem: Live Satellite Precoding Demonstration, ESA.
Completed Projects
Neuro-Sat: The Application of Neuromorphic Processors to Satcom Applications, ESA.
FDSAT: Single Channel Full Duplex Techniques for Satellite Communications, ESA.
FlexSAT: Resource Optimization for Next Generation of Flexible SATellite Payloads, FNR.
Sat-IAB: Satellite and Integrated Access Backhaul, ESA.
IoT-ANCSAT: Agile network configuration for 5G Internet-of-Things services over satellite, ESA.
5G-SpaceLab: 5G Space Communications Lab, UniLu.
IRANATA: Interference and RAdiation in Network PlAnning of 5G AcTive Antenna Systems, 5G SMC, Luxembourg.
Micro5G: Mobile Edge Computing for 5G DROne Systems, 5G SMC, Luxembourg.
5G-LEO: OpenAirInterface extension for 5G satellite links, ESA.
5G-GOA: 5G-Enabled Ground Segment Technologies Over-The-Air Demonstrator, ESA.
DISBUS: Dynamic Beam Forming and In-band Signalling for Next Generation Satellite Systems, FNR.
AGNOSTIC: Actively Enhanced Cognition based Framework for Design of Complex Systems, H2020.
CADSAT: Carrier Aggregation in Satellite Communication Networks, ESA.
SAFER: Demonstration of safe electromagnetic radiation emitted by 5G active antennas, 5G SMC, Luxembourg.
SAT-SPIN: Satellite Communications via Space-Based Internet Service Providers. ESA.
FlexPreDem: Demonstrator of Precoding Techniques for Flexible Broadband Systems, ESA.
LARGOS: Learning-Assisted Optimization for Resource and Security Management in Slicing-Based 5G Networks, FNR.
ROSETTA: Resource Optimization for integrated Satellite-5G nETworks with non-orThogonal multiple Access, FNR.
ProCAST: Proactive Edge CAching for Content Delivery Networks powered by Hybrid Satellite/Terrestrial Backhauling, FNR.
COHESAT: Cognitive Cohesive Networks of Distributed Units for Active and Passive Space Applications, FNR.
CI-PHY: Exploiting interference for physical layer security in 5G networks, FNR-EPSRC.
SIERRA: Spectral efficient Receivers and Resource Allocation for Cognitive Satellite Communications, FNR-ANR.
GHOST: On-Ground EnHanced Non-Intrusive IOT System Prototyping and Testing for Efficient Monitoring Of Wideband Satellite Transponders, ESA
InWIP-NETs :Integrated Wireless Information and Power Networks, FNR.
HTS-DBS: High Throughput Digital Broadcasting Satellite Systems, ESA.
VHTS: User Terminal Wideband Modem for Very High Throughput Satellites , ESA.
NGHDR: Next Generation High Data Rate Trunking Systems, ESA.
ECLECTIC: Energy and CompLexity EffiCienT mIllimeter-wave Large-Array Communications, FNR.
PROSAT: on-board PROcessing techniques for high throughput SATellites, FNR.
SERENADE: Satellite Precoding HW Demonstrator, FNR.
SATSENT: SATellite SEnsor NeTworks for spectrum monitoring, FNR.
Optimus: OPtimized transmission TechnIques for satcoM UnicaSt interactive traffic, ESA.
SANSA: Shared Access Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Network enabled by Smart Antennas, H2020.
PreDem: Precoding Demonstrator for Broadband System Forward Links, ESA.
SeMiGod: Spectrum Management and Interference Mitigation in Cognitive Radio Satellite Networks, FNR.
GBBF: Future Ground-Based Beam-Forming Techniques, ESA.
ASPIM: Antennas and Signal Processing Techniques for Interference Mitigation in Next Generation Ka Band High Throughput Satellites, ESA.
CoRaSat: COgnitive RAdio for SAtellite Communications, EC FP7.
"CO2 SAT: Cooperative and Cognitive Architectures for Satellite Networks", FNR, Luxembourg.
"Spread Spectrum Measurement System Business Study”, LuxLaunch.
“MIMO Hardware Demonstrator”, ESA.