Sylvie Blasco

Professor in Economics, Université Caen Normandie, CREM

You can view my CV here (last update: march 2024)

Bio and contact

Current position and main affiliation: Université Caen Normandie, CREM, TEPP

Other affiliations:  IZA, IPP and Cepremap


Address: Université Caen Normandie, UFR SEGGAT, 1 esplanade de la Paix, CS 14032 - 14032 Caen Cedex 5, France

Office: Building A - Office AC 365


Applied microeconometrics: Microeconometric methods for policy evaluation, transition and duration models.

Labor economics: Unemployment insurance (ALMPs, take-up), Labour market trajectories, Working conditions, Retirement.

Health economics: Mental health, Health and labor market.

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