The syllabus templates for online and blended courses include syllabi sections required by ACAF 2.03 and the Committee on Curricula & Courses Curriculum Changes guidelines, as well as other sections highly recommended (as best practices) by CTE.

Fall 2024 MW Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall 2024 MWF Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall 2024 TTH Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall 2024 M-F Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall I (3A) 2024 MW First Half Term Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall I (3A) 2024 MWF First Half Term Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall I (3A) 2024 TTH First Half Term Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall I (3A) 2024 M-F First Half Term Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall II (3B) 2024 MW Second Half Term Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall II (3B) 2024 MWF Second Half Term Course Schedule Template [docx

Fall II (3B) 2024 TTH Second Half Term Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall II (3B) 2024 M-F Second Half Term Course Schedule Template [docx]

Fall 2024 Academic Calendar Template [docx]

Syllabus Template Free Download

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We have created a framework to build out your syllabus, but every course and instructor is unique. Please adjust this template to best suit your needs. You can also click here to view examples of syllabi from UC San Diego educators.

Regardless of how you view the document, it is important to create a syllabus that is learning-focused rather than content-focused (Palmer, Wheeler, & Aneece, 2016). Content-focused syllabi describe the rules (what students will and will not do and how they will be rewarded or punished) and list requirements in an abstract way with an emphasis on due dates. Learning-focused syllabi emphasize what students will learn, highlight big ideas or questions that will be explored, explain how the engagement will take place, and describe how student learning will be demonstrated to the instructor and students themselves. Often the difference between the two is the tone of the writing. Compare the following examples:

While there is no one perfect syllabus, we hope that these guidelines will help faculty apply best practices for creating effective syllabi. We are very much interested in receiving feedback on the guidelines and the Syllabus Template. You can send us an email at to share your feedback or to ask a question. We are here to help!

The Committee on Teaching, Learning, and Assessment advises that all Brandeis University syllabi must be accessible (in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and revised ADA regulations) and must provide Important Brandeis Policies and Resources.

The Brandeis University Syllabus Template helps faculty follow best practices for creating syllabi that invite learning and support all students in a course by providing clear descriptions of learning goals, ways in which learning will be measured, and approaches to how grades will be assigned. It also includes statements required by the University and makes suggestions for other course policies. The Template can be downloaded and edited.

All Brandeis University syllabi must be accessible, provide Important Brandeis Policies and Resources, and contain essential syllabus components (listed below under "What needs to be in every syllabus." While it is not required to use the provided template, it is strongly recommended by the Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

Please note that your syllabus and all course documents must comply with the legal requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and revised ADA regulations. See this Accessibility Quick Guide (pdf) for instructions on making documents accessible.

The template has no impact on the content of what you teach. If you'd like to consider additional ways to incorporate an equitable approach to the content or teaching approaches in your course, these additional resources may be useful:

Below you will find resources to help you design your syllabus and a list of required components that all syllabi should contain. Instructors are expected to have a complete version of each course syllabus prepared and ready to share with students by the first day of class, and make sure to upload a copy of that syllabus to the Online Syllabus Manager (OSM) application for archiving purposes. (Adapted from Office of Undergraduate Curricula Syllabus Guidelines.)

Please note, the following sections were added for the 2023-2024 academic year: Use of Generative AI, iThenticate, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) (revised), Student Feedback and Equity Concerns (revised), and removal of Community Standards in Our Course and Mask Use. The following sections were also updated for the 2022-2023 academic year: Community Standards in Our Course and Mask Use; Honor Code; Course Communication Expectations language; Safety and Emergency Information at Gillings (for residential courses only); and updated to meet accessibility standards set forth by the University. In the 2021-2022 academic year, the following were updated: Accessibility, Attendance/Participation; Counseling and Psychological Services; Inclusive Excellence; Land Acknowledgement; Student Feedback and Equity Concerns; Technical Support; Title IX.

Near the start of each academic term, the Online Syllabus Management system will generate an email to primary instructors listed in the schedule of classes for that term, notifying them to upload the same complete course syllabus they will present to students in the first class session.

Your course syllabus serves many purposes. It can be viewed as a "contract" between you and your students where duties are established between faculty and students. It includes information such as your attendance policy and the university's statement of non-discrimination. Your course syllabus can also be seen as a "permanent record" of what happens in a respective course, as it includes information like the current course catalog description and student learning outcomes. Finally, your course syllabus acts as a "learning tool" for your students. A course syllabus provides a visual roadmap for students and should describe how students can be successful in a course (Richmond, 2016).

Your syllabus should be designed with your students in mind. Research points to several benefits of designing a "learner-centered syllabus," such as increased rapport between students and faculty, increased retention of course details, and increased student perception of effective teaching (Richmond, 2016). The YSU Common Syllabus Templates below have been designed with a focus on your students. If you are interested in learning more about how to create a "learner-centered syllabus," check out Constructing a Learner-Centered Syllabus: One Professor's Journey** (Richmond, 2016).

Templates last updated on May 3, 2023. Please note the syllabus is typically updated 1 week before the start of the next semester. Be sure to use an updated template as additional policies have been included.

Academic Senate has approved the use of this common syllabus for all courses at YSU (supporting documentation for Senate). There are a series of required items* that must be included in your syllabus, as well as several recommend items. Using the YSU Common Syllabus templates are optional, and are provided below for your use. These ADA-compliant Microsoft Word templates were designed with your students in mind and utilize language and design that focuses on the learner.

The course syllabus forms the basis of a contract between instructor and the enrolled students. A clearly-worded syllabus is essential for distance students who may not have the ability to check their understanding of your requirements by catching you in the hallway after class. By using this official document to precisely state your expectations for learning and behavior in your course, you will minimize possible confusion and misunderstanding.

Ecampus has created a syllabus template as a modifiable Word document file for your ease of use. It is meant not as a static document, but is a starting point for structuring and communicating key information about your course. [last updated 11/3/2023]

Sylllabi in Ecampus courses are usually posted in the "Start Here - Syllabus" page, or on the course "Syllabus" tab (if enabled). If you need assistance posting your syllabus, please contact Ecampus Faculty Support at

Please use the GRCC Catalog to access the current Curriculum Documents for the Course Description and Course Outcomes. You will need to use the drop down menu on the top of the GRCC Catalog page to access the GRCC Curriculum Database. Once you have accessed the GRCC Curriculum Database, click on Courses to find a specific Course Document.

I reserve the right to change the contents of this syllabus due to unforeseen circumstances. You will be given notice of relevant changes in class, through a Blackboard Announcement, or through GRCC e-mail.

GRCC policies can be found online and provide you guidance on your rights and responsibilities as a student in this course and at GRCC. The links below take you directly to a specific policy. Should you have any questions about a policy, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information at the top of the syllabus.

If you or another student experience sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating/domestic violence, or any form of gender discrimination, you can report a suspected violation of our Sexual Misconduct Policy or our Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy directly to our Title IX Coordinator at (616) 234-3169. The Coordinator can help communicate with faculty, connect you to resources, and discuss other options. You may also report the issue to your faculty member(s), who is required to notify the Coordinator, or you may make an appointment to speak confidentially to Counseling and Career Development by calling (616) 234-4130. 152ee80cbc

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