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CV (Last Update: Oct, 2024)

Suyeon Lee

I am a student interested in various fields of large-scale distributed systems for big-data environments and data centers.

Current: CS PhD student @ GeorgiaTech (Kwanjeong Study Abroad Fellowship, CRNCH Fellowship)

Current: Student Researcher @ Google (Google Cloud Platform)

I have some wanderlust. You can see where I've been on this page!

Georgia Institute of Technology / School of Computer Science (Advisor: Ada Gavrilovska)

Sogang University / Department of Computer Science and Engineering / Distributed Computing & Operationg Systems Laboratory (DISCOS) (Advisor: Sungyong Park)

Email Address: /

BIography (Fall'24)

Suyeon Lee is a third-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Ada Gavrilovska.

Her research interests are general control planes of distributed systems to accelerate large-scale applications, focusing on the intersection of networking/interconnect and memory subsystems. Recent works include disaggregated memory systems, near-data/memory computing, high-performance communication, and CXL. Additionally, she does Linux kernel programming to adopt emerging technology upstream. Her research is supported by the Kwanjeong Study Abroad Fellowship and the Center for Research into Novel Compute Hierarchies (CRNCH) Fellowship.

She is currently a part-time research intern at Google, a graduate research assistant at Georgia Tech, and a research scholar at the SRC Research Scholars Program. Previously, she worked for a summer as a full-time software architect intern at Intel Corporation and a year as a research associate intern at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. She obtained a B.S. and M.S. degrees from Sogang University, South Korea, advised by Sungyong Park.

More details on research interests and experience are here (but outdated; 😂 on the way for update)!





Honors & Awards


Languages: Korean (Native), English (Proficient), Portuguese (Beginner)

Programming Languages: C/C++, Python, Scala, Java, SQL, noSQL