Is there a way to import contacts into a contact list column in a specific sheet? I know you can import a list of contacts to the SS account but I have 2,000+ contacts that need to be added as a dropdown in a specific sheet (a contact list column). I'm assuming there is no direct way to import the list into that specific column or I would have found the answer by googling. Any good workarounds?

I did find that if I copy/paste the emails into a text column and then convert the column to a contact list, then it adds the emails to my contact list in that column as desired. The only issue is that when I do it that way, the contacts only have emails but not the names. Is there ANY way to automatically add multiple contacts (emails AND names) to a contact list dropdown without having to type them out one by one? I certainly don't want to type in over 2,000 names and emails one by one.

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Oh. I wasn't sure if doing it that way would convert them to contacts or not. I don't use contact type columns very often, so at this point I am just trying to see what has and has not been tested. Sorry about that.

@Melisa Dannhauser I just asked this very question (I clearly did not search hard enough for an answer here as I did not find your question until about 5 hours after posting mine) Did you ever find a solution because I am in the same boat with over 1700 names/emails to enter and going one by one is not happening. So silly that we can't paste a list of contacts.

I don't think there's a perfect solution. I ended up using the workaround that I mentioned in my original post. Copying the contact list into a text column, then converting that column into a contact column. That populates it but only the email portion. The names still have to be added one by one.

I'm crafting this post to ask about the best practices of creating a most accurate "Unegaged Contacts" list on HubSpot because i noticed that HubSpot's auto-created "Unengaged Contacts" list is somehow inaccurate in the sense:

You're correct, HubSpot defines unengaged contacts based on marketing email activity, not sales email activity: "the number of marketing emails that have been sent since the last engagement, specifically email open or link click." (This has in part to do with email deliverability. Sales emails are sent through a connected inbox and don't affect the deliverability of marketing emails.)

This isn't well documented but my understanding is that the value is unknown for contacts who have not been sent any email. It would then be 0 if a contact has been delivered a marketing email but did not open it. If the contact hasn't ever been sent an email, it would be unknown. Depending on what you want to achieve, I'd include both unknown/0 in the criteria.

All the criteria must be true (no marketing email or sales email open in the last 31 days and more than 10 emails unopened) for a contact to be considered unengaged then. You would now manually exclude this list from the recipients for your marketing emails and leave the default unengaged contacts checkbox unchecked.

However, I can imagine that the default HubSpot "Unengaged Contact" list could possibly cause some misunderstandings betweem the marketing and sales teams in some companies who are working in silos. For some cases, marketing team will deem that the contacts in the list are not valuable to them due to "low engagement in marketing emails" (and possibly delete them from database), meanwhile those are contacts whom possibly still in engagement with the sales team.

The way to get around this is to use your list either to create and update a company property that signals inclusion and use this to create your contact list, or upload that information to the contacts directly.

Hi all,

currently the same question came up in our Team. - I assume there's still no possibility to filter via Contacts for list memberships from associated Companies? As this thread is from 2019, probably there are new functionalities about that in the meanwhile available? 

Thank you & best regards,


This needs to happen. I work in financial services and we export company data regularly so that we can append data from our internal service, and then will want to run a campaign based on the company being part of an update.

This isn't currently possible unless you spam the system full of properties which is silly. The data is there, and you can connect it via reports, I don't know why you can't do this in lists.

3. The only way to do that today is to create a workflow and change list membership for contacts from the company. The workflow requires that we enter in one company at a time in the list - which means the process is tedious, time consuming and error prone.

I think that one option would be to create a workflow where a specific company property is copied to all contacts of that company. I do that with a b2b membership concept.

Ex: I added Member to Company Type and created a workflow that copies company type to contact type.

In your case, you could create a specific property ( ex: present at xx trade show: YES ) and copy that property to contact property. You could then make a list of contacts that have that specific tag...

quite simple and quick. you could clone that everytime you want to create a new contact list from company list...

Hope this helps..

EDIT: property should exist in company AND contact to be able to copy it.

I agree with the recent posts, there should be an easy way to see the contacts within a list of companies, or the opposite, look at the companies from a list of contacts. Let me know if there is an idea for this too.

Completely agree with @ACunnell above. I am in a similar situation. I have a list of companies, all with a common trait, but I also need a list of all the contacts associated to those companies. Is there not a way to do this within Hubspot?

What I now need to be able to do is create Contact lists for contacts who are in Comanies that subscribe to Proudct X, and contacts who are in Companies that subscribe to Product Y. I cannot create this directly usung the Deal property, because not all the contacts are asociated with the deal. What I want to do is create a list of Contacts based on whether their Company is a member of on of the customer lists.

Super helpful. I ended up creating a unique company property as a filter and generated a dynamic membership list pulling criteria from the company with those specific properties. Then used the membership list for the dashboard that I put together to track the movement of efforts associated with those specific companies. I wonder if the target accounts feature in hubspot would allow you to do the same without all the extra efforts.

Hi could you elaborate on how to create and update said company property? Because it would have to be all done from a contact list object, but there is no way to know whether the company associated with that contact is in the company list since you can't compare with a company list object.

Am I missing something, Are you saying you can't create a list of contacts for any given rep according to which companies are assinged to them? I hope I am not misunderstanding what you're saying here because this seems like a pretty simple request that any CRM should be able to do.

I have an active list that has about 31,000 contacts in it. I want to convert them all to a static list so I can delete a few of them from the list. I selected all of the contacts in the active list and said "Add to Static List". When I did that I got an error message that didn't give me any additional information. Any thoughts on why this is happening?

Use the People page in to view, create, and edit contacts and contact lists. Create new contacts from scratch, or add someone as a contact from an email message. You can also create a contact list for sending email to a group of people.

New contacts are saved in your default Contacts folder, and you will also see them under All contacts. If you want to save the contact in a different folder, select the folder before creating the contact.

For example, create a contact list named My book club and add all the members of your book club to it. When you want to send an email message to everyone in the club, just add My book club in the To line of the email.

You can add people (email addresses) to a contact list in two ways: By editing a contact list and adding people to it from within the list, or by selecting one or more contacts and adding them to a list from the Add to list option on the toolbar.

You can remove people (email addresses) from a contact list in two ways: By editing the contact list, or by selecting a contact and removing them from a list using the Add to list option on the toolbar. ff782bc1db

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