Research Interests

The main research goal of our group is to develop novel machine learning algorithms which tackle daunting challenges of existing machine learning frameworks.

The current deep learning algorithms/frameworks are i) dependent on a massive amount of training data, ii) hard to generalize to unseen tasks and expand the past knowledge in a time stream, iii) dependent on centralized train datasets and computing resources in a massive server facilities, iv) not easy to be deployed in a real networks such as 5G and 6G environments. To tackle these problems, our group focuses on following topics: Data-efficient lifelong learning, Decentralized & federated learning framework, Advanced meta-learning algorithms, 6G intelligent communication systems. See the details below.

Data-Efficient Lifelong Learning

Figure 1-1. XtarNet with task-adaptive representation (TAR)

Figure 1-2. MICS with midpoint interpolation

Decentralized Learning & Federated Learning

Figure 2. Federated learning framework deployed in future network (e.g., 6G wireless system)

Advanced  Topics for Generalization:  Reinforcement Learning, Domain Generalization, Computer Vision, Semi-Supervision etc.

Figure 3. Meta-learning for domain generalization 

Figure 4. TAFT: Few-shot semantic segmentation algorithm

6G Intelligent Communication Systems