T. G. SAMUEL, Kottayam

General assessment by the District Inspector of Schools / Education, Kottayam in 1997

A teacher of beaming teachability to the core, a Headmaster of unique and burnishing headmastering a Prohibition Activist conscientising and sensitising the public and populace against the hooch and intoxication, Literacy Activist assiduously combated against illiteracy, a veteran in co-operative movement, a sportive sportsman with unparalleled sportsmanship of Marathon proportions, a winner of all India Marathon race, an N.C.C. Officer for a quarter of a century, a messiah for depoliticisation of campus, a Gandhian of spirited animation who staged evening satyagrahas for 1001 days continuously with out any break against campus politics, a Right activist who fights for the rights and privileges of the citizensy of Kottayam District piloting the Citizen Forum, a pragmatic who propagates and highlights the undiminishing healing and curing powers of our herbal medicine, a teacher of teachers who organises, tempts, promotes and goads the teaching community on a non-political basis infusing into them the tenets and axioms of quality teaching commitment and dedication and finally a propagator, expounder, facilitator any mentor of a new Scientific temper and spirit, Sri. T.G.Samuel. Headmaster, Mar Thoma High School, Channappetta is a great GURU of sagacity, saintliness and unalloyed dedication. ,

What makes him remarkable, fascinating and magnetic arc his singleness of purpose, doggedness, diligence and his sense of fighting with fecundity and ferociousness when once he decides to do something for his fellow beings. These sterling qualities, in fact, led and goad him to fight almost single handedly against campus politics by staging Satyagrahas - Gandhian to the core for 1001 days continuously with the result that the Hon'ble High court of Kerala banned politics - based collections in Schools. His fight against drug-addictions alcoholism, social vices such as child labour and child abuses are, in fact part of the history.

He played a prominent part in his capacity as the MUNICIPAL COUNCILLOR of Kottayam in making this town the first ever one that achieved 100% literacy in India - a stupendents task he performed.

When one pores over the tremendous achievements of this man in different spheres of activity, such as prohibition, sports, N.C.C., depoliticization of campus. Total Literacy movement, voluntarism in health sector, afforestation, social forestry, environmental protection and preservation science and scientific temper one may utter with bated breath that "here stands a frail man with verve vibrancy and sagacity as high as Mount Everest. Honour him, revere him and esteem him since then thee art elevated

As Hemingway propounded "a man can be destroyed, not defeated," this fighter evils will pursue his ferrocious fight steadfastly reinvigorously and relentlessly, not conceding the cost of destruction, I strongly recommend his name to be aglowed with National Award for Teachers.

M.K. Sivankutty

Dist. Educational Officer

Documentary in Sophia Times

Documentary in Kaumadhi